
It's a focus group. The moderator's job is to get the attendees talking, at length, about the thinnest of topics.

how about the 007 theme on glockenspiel?


Took mine in 1998 and yup… a Clerks girl, a Bukowski guy, a Hunter S Thompson guy… and me the John le Carre guy. We were a bunch of pallies.


Crispin Glover sits by a dusty phone.

Also thinking of the Cadillac Sedan de Ville, which was a 1985, unless somehow they were selling in summer 84.

I dug a lot of holes for my retaining wall project. That scene was painful to watch.

How much can you bet someone is going to make replicas of that this year?

"Both sides say bad things!"

It's another problem, and that is "I'm afraid of conflict, so I'll use the old 'both sides do wrong things' attitude". Because things can't be compared, that would cause conflict and someone needs to take a stand. And that would threaten unity. Anything with a hint of tension is "talking politics".

They have one desktop power supply. Its 450W, it's basic,and the box is dusty. But I suppose they still have one.

Are you kidding? Dont you know how much money can be made licensing/sharing the SXSW "cool"? I worked at General Mills and they (and every other consumer marketer) are falling all over themselves to get tickets, passes, one-on-ones, top-to-tops, private baptisms from the SXSW people. I swear half the people at SXSW

There is a huge difference in top-heaviness between a full and empty gun, but I suppose maybe Gruber thought it might be partially empty. Still I'd come up with an excuse to check.

Or just that he'd naturally test anyone he came across.

I didnt want kids either but I empathize with the proselytizers. They're happy about something and they want to tell the world as well as recommend their choice. I know detachment and distance are the words of the decade, but anyone who gushes about anything should understand. Hell, we just universally jumped on

I'm not. And it isn't. But being such a core natural process, the negative reaction is distressing.

Kids are nothing more than dialing up the intensity of one's life. All the lows are intensified, all the fear is intensified, but also all the wonder and joy and humility. Not everyone can handle two hits of acid. Some people like a half hit. What bothers me is the rancor on the non-kid side. Someone is joyfully

Schooled right along with abacus fighters.

It's like Boomer rock. It's more unfinished but it's raw, and exhilarating, and everyone knew it was something fresh. Action movies are a little more desperate now. There's a tension in that, sure. But the 80s "deep cuts" were rewarding in how they co-opted what they could from big-budget movies while working with the