
Fully krausened!

Blue? "I like blue." Who are you? "Peter Stroh"

Blood, Sweat and Tears played the MN state fair a couple years back. The singer was a sound-alike of David Clayton Thomas. I think maybe 2 other members had some ties to the original lineup.

Whatever happened to "anything goes as long as it's funny?" I miss Tony Hendra

people are slipping, sliding…

The Day The Laughter Died is rightly hailed as one of the greatest comedy albums of all time. 100% improvised and 100% intended to alienate the entire audience.

I remember Dan Carlin floating how upset the Russians were when the Geneva Convention clamped down on certain kinds of weapons. Nations like Russia viewed it as the outlawing of affordable ways to win. If the only weapons allowed are expensive, then poor nations cannot win.

This will be cyber war. Not taking down power grids, but undermining the things that make an economy special. If you export art, your art will be devalued. If you export democracy, your democracy will be discredited. Russian governments are very smart at being passive aggressive.

That whole slouch thing you just can't get away with outside a suit.

When are we going to learn about the screeching in Jump Around?

These clothes were shit. Thin, half worn-out at time of purchase… We used them for some corporate-logo apparel and openly laughed upon opening the box. These were orders of magnitude crappier than anything else we'd ever used. Wandering stitches and all that.

Sad shit. This sort of thing can really depress old people.

Let's say I thought not much happened in the second act of Empire. Ever not put on a movie because you don't want to sit through a certain long stretch? For me that's the Dagobah system and much of what happens to the Falcon crew before Solo's freezing. Great deep cuts in the SW universe for sure, good character

Your expectations were too high. Think of it as an old kung fu movie sequel. Usually far worse, but the fight scenes are better to compensate. Ong Bak 2 was batshit crazy, and the end fight on Return to the 36th Chamber was fantastic. Ip Man 2, same thing. I think "the SW universe" badly needs the piss taken out of it.

I like a lean, little barebones action movie versus any SW movie since II

Not really in love with Padme, Solo, and many many others. At least I want to watch the ones in Rogue One, not get through their dialogue just so I can see the final battle.

As an antidote to too much of the opposite, yes. I can count the number of SW characters I give a crap about on one hand, versus the dozens they've shoved down our throats. And I find Episodes I, II and IV (almost half the series) to have first (and sometimes second) acts where nearly nothing happens but long

I still haven't come around to that position.

That's from the Indy 500, where the winner traditionally drinks ice cold milk after the race.

good god, Arnold was one to support him the last few weeks, and now DT is leaving him to swing in the wind.