
And the big well-lit ladder leading to the target is never watched.

They always have to throw space lasers at a target, too, don't forget that.

Now you're over your head in a topic you refused to learn about: kids. You've chosen to avoid kids, and you're frothing over a kid related topic because you refuse to open your mind to the things parents deal with. And bloviating about an imagined lie is the same kind of distraction tactic a child would use. The issue

Get back to me after you breed, although I suspect that will be some time. It will add some nuance and understanding to your position.

1) Your final sentence about meeting adults was deliberately aggressive, so I gave you back. 2) If you don't have kids, you haven't felt the "all the way down in my plums" need to monitor their diet, sleep, environment, media intake and everything else in order to give them the best chance in life. You also don't

Are you a parent? If so I'm sure you understand the entire package of taking a kid to a concert. Sleep and meals are heavily scheduled, so on-time matters… and headliners that start before 9 PM are hard to find… and often bleed into 10 PM. You probably also don't want to expose your kids to environments they can't

Koo Koo Kanga Roo is a guilty pleasure we all enjoy in the car.

Counterpoint: kid's bands show up on time, deliver a hella enthusiastic show, and are only there to serve the audience. I've never been to an adult rock artist that began anywhere near on time, and meeting the band is so rare that it's become a brag. Kid's bands will hang out and gladly interact with the audience.

Even worse, kids will throw in a HEAVY dollop of trying to please. They'll genuinely like the band because it pleases the parents. That's not fandom, it's manufacturing one of the weird kids that can't relate to peers.

No 5 year old should be wearing a Black Sabbath tee, and an 8 year old boy really shouldn't be trying to please his dad by declaring Pink Floyd his favorite band. It's OK to share interests but these two real life examples in my life are just weird. Especially because they can't get their dads' attention otherwise, so

F you Mark Wahlberg who can't take a metaphor about soldiers and war without freaking out like some militant neighbor. I enjoyed your movies! But dude.

Don't shoot! That wing is fully fueled!

Some really paranoid progressives will say anything to avoid being caught saying anything.

"You will wed her, bed her, and put a torpedo in it."

The Russians and Poles drink like this: they slam two or three ice cold shots of vodka in the first hour, then spend the rest of the evening topping up as needed to a mild buzz. It's different than full-throttle drinking. Lots more conversation, not so much drinking as you'd think.

There is a California … champagne. By Paul Masson! inspired by that same French exCELLence.

Same here. Not really seeing it. Especially to go so far as to kick her out and rail on "white lady privilege". Hecklers are out there. Like any heckler she could have been drunk and wanted the funny, not the thoughtful.

Wait, I'm confused. He stars on Broad City, HRC appeared on Broad City… what was so horrible about the request? Any possibility at all this was a misunderstanding?

Who would have thought that of the two beans, Sean Bean would have the more respected career? MIchael Biehn was ON FIRE for a while.

DUDE!!!! You have GOT to make a book of these columns. All these movies are freaking classics and so, so badass. I fondly remember enjoying these, and WITHOUT a hint of regret or detachment. A time of being truly involved and connected to a movie experience. There were few amateur critics back then. Only fans or