
wtf why was there blood? you just slipped that in there like we wouldnt notice

Aren't they boring enough to leave them out of a holiday people traveled for?

Can we also stop making "the bird" a thing? NO OTHER TIME OF THE YEAR do we call the turkey "the bird". I like my bird this way, don't bruise the bird, etc… makes me cringe

I only assume you're young. By the late 30s, the Thanksgiving slog is the most boring meal I eat all year. In my family nobody budges on "their" recipes, so they are the same every goddamn year. The entire day is a ritual, and how much fun are rituals after 37 of them? I swear for the labor involved (even when only

Then there was the Honey Brown/Killian's Red dynamo pair in the early 90s

More like: I am working hard on maintaining/slowly building the value of my property (yard, gutters, car) and it's a hot Midwestern summer day (in the 90s and/or with high humidity). I want something to make the time go a little happier, and I'd like to stay hydrated.

I went to a wedding in North India in 2010. They had five or six chai wallahs standing in full turban, tending to big simmering pots of chai on metal stands about four feet high. The chai was served in clay cups which were meant to be smashed/destroyed after the wedding (dunno why). It was damn good, and I found out

RLC sells that album cover. I can't stop looking at her face.

These days it's an orgy of candy. A generous handful of premium stuff for every kid. 3 to 4 pieces at most houses. The struggle is over. When every house is a whale, none are whales.

Majority rules!! The preferences of those in the minority are HORRIBLE.

First of all, it's the oldest psychological reflex there is. Second, multiculturalism turns that meaningless difference in appearance into something holy and worth reinforcing. The end result is crap like "not your culture" that turns childhood friends into educated progressives that believe you can't be like each

His first appearance on CBB was painful to listen to. They kept lobbing him softballs and he just … did… not… react. The silences were horrible.

Yeah, but beer snobbery is… dismissive and aggressive. Wine snobbery is a class war. Beer snobbery is like a raw nerve; the other person isn't just refined enough (like a wine snob would infer)… in beer culture, the derision isn't directed toward the other person's palate but rather the other person's beer

The links don't work.

I challenge you to find one comment thread that doesn't have a "things should be this way". I sold cigars for years, and in that time met a lot of wine and whiskey people. In all three of those categories, it's really bad form to say "drink something good", "if it isn't this way it's substandard", or anything along

Never seen so many "shoulds" in a comment section. I swear, the beer community is at each others' throats all the time. Worse than foodies, telling each other how the world is supposed to be.

Ah!!! Different chip schools entirely, the wavy ones. I'm a straight chip. No crystals, no herbs,. no funny business.

Come on. Give me a more melt-in-your-mouth traditional chip. Not kettle style, or formed (pringles). Jay's in Chicago comes close, but lay's oils are a perfect blend and the sea salt is so evenly done.

No way. You can't improve on the mass-produced potato chip. Lay's has everything down to statistical perfection. The potatoes are engineered to become potato chips. The salt process results in perfect distribution. Every one melts in your mouth. Time after time, bag after bag, purchased years apart. People crap on

The original had some weird pulpy elements that made it a bit twisted. And some good directorial choices, like the rain, and the weird flashback in the shooting range. I haven't seen #2 but I hope those aren't gone.