
I have not seen a Tom Cruise movie since Collateral that I haven't at least liked.

Looked and could not find tank top. Found regular shirt.

Careful, the phone narrows your awareness.

Yeah, read in a different way, these verbatim words could have been a really sad alcoholic just trying (again) to communicate his love for the few things left that are good in the world. I know lots of people in my Facebook circle who love to take the "safe" path, which is often the extremely suspicious one.

Christ, do NOT BUY the gutter robot. So many horrible experiences with these in my dad circle. Look, if you aren't willing to put up gutter shields (GOOD ones, the best being EasyOn), then you're going to either 1) get up on a ladder and do the nasty, or 2) hire it out (NEVER hire someone to use water to blast out

You're gonna get Taken 2 the airport!

titular line

ah, so THAT's your jump to conclusion moment. Thanks for making me feel better! Of course the theater was silent as a library, and also I would never, ever use a little enthusiastic hyperbole when heartily agreeing with someone! Except towards you, my thorough and unmoving deep disgust for you was not hyperbole, and

Oh, I'm sure you're the life of the party too laughing more than anyone else at your twee little British sitcom. Except in your case, nobody around you wants to see it. Makes you want to pick a fight online, right before you go to bed after watching DVDs of obscure British comedy. Probably alone, next-most-probably

Yup, the writers intended certain jokes to land, and I got the joke.

Anchorman 2 was my entire journalism degree in one movie. I laughed harder than anyone else in the theater. It's a really, really solid message.

Or Gehrigs.

I saw 2001 last night for the first time in years.

So this isn't the origin story of the guy from Drive Angry?

To me, there's a huge difference between a plain McD's cheeseburger and plain McD's quarter pounder with cheese. Somehow the patty has a ton more moisture and I never get enough, unlike a regular cheeseburger which is somehow fatiguing. I'm convinced the Quarter Pounder is a different formula altogether.

Because for some people, calling other things awful makes them feel better about themselves.

but what business is it of ours? Do we start with "not my business" and then have taste in steak, or do we have taste in steak trump "not my business"? One is the position of an asshole.


I work for a large food company, part of "Big Food". My experience has been the same. Funny.

Now THAT's something I didn't think about. Guilty as charged.