
You might be surprised which parts of the pizza have your problem ingredients. Not only will you find most of them lumped into the same ingredients you'd find in most high quality pizzeria pies, but you'd also find that once broken down into an ingredient list those local restaurant pies aren't much better.

I'm with you about 90% - delete the peanuts part (kinda arguable) and it's my basic problem with humanity. We've spent our entire existence making food cheap, plentiful, and healthy… and we can't move on. We're at a point where "food" can be checked off our Big List of Problems but developed societies can't stop

The show was such a letdown for those of us who loved his prior standup.

Being an adult is the most straightforward thing ever. There's literally nothing else with rules so clearly spelled out and written down.

The redeeming moment for the depressive character has never been so poignant:

Porn alternate title:

"All of the event’s proceeds will go to Prince’s estate"

Violent deaths end the story arcs in GOT, and this one was over WAY too fast.

The best thing about Mint Oreo is that is keeps dark chocolate far, FAR away from my delicious mint ice cream with a strong dairy note. I don't know who started putting dark chocolate into mint ice cream, but I'm sure they work for Fox.

Five Guys… Dutch style with mayonnaise… they appeal to everyone's tastes. I like them a few minutes in the oven… wow, that just gushed out. I guess this …be… good..for me.

May be the best article ever written.

You wouldn't enjoy 90 minutes of watching Sir Roger make suggestive googly eyes and slight head turns? Hell, I'd watch him pick out screwdrivers.

oh god yes

When you say "it was really easy to just ignore the complaints and perspectives of women and brown people", that's definitely an important thing, I agree, because now more than ever it's possible to live in a filter bubble. But we're still not tackling one problem: how do you know you're not ignoring them now? What's

Well, I'll watch and see how it all develops, thanks for the well written response.

The difference is my main point: some values are evergreen, and sticking to them has proven the gold standard for ethical compassionate behavior since the Greeks and Confucians. And some viewpoints are much fresher and really don't contribute much more, but watch out! If you don't agree that's a-shamin'. What's more,

Yeah, I want to hear what you think when you're old. Send an Email to 888888 at geeee mayle dot comm (figure it out). I'll leave this up for a while before deleting the Email, so you can write it down. Woudl be interesting to continue this conversation and see how it all worked out.

I worked in retail clothing in the 1990s and didn't see those 1990s shoes at all. Where are the clogs, the 2" thick foam sandals, the Docs, the chukkas? This is some weird Euro or East Coast stuff.

Find me in 30 years and we'll chat. I mean it.

Oh eat me with your comment-board sarcasm. I'm sorry I don't make cute one-liners in an attempt to sum up 400 years of conflict in a little quote.