
Is there a school of thought in that vein with enough size and voice for it be a real thing? Absolutely. I make no assertions as to its size and impact, but if enough people feel it, then it's a thing. We're dealing in subjective human perception here. What Eastwood is putting into a pithy little phrase is not far off…

Top 10 things overheard in line for Kickboxer II, from Late Night With David Letterman:

The Bolo Yueng/Sammo Hung fix, right there in the screenwriter's handbook, is highly effective and criminally underused.

Or an RPG aimed at the kitchen cabinet

Good, then you're forced to look at a human as flawed but well-intentioned. Like all of us. The "dictatorship of the politically correct" is so damn quick to publicly behead anyone who's not perfect… which is everybody. Even writing this comment will probably put me on some blacklist.

Nutritionally, any loaded-up burger from a local establishment is within a few degrees of a Big Mac. Both have a ton of calories, fat, sodium, etc. There's no healthy way to consumer a loaded flagship burger.


Yeah it;s a really lame insult, like when schoolchildren don't know what a word means. It's nothing more than being the husband of a cheating wife.

Until their hand is red.

Any video game has an opportunity cost, but I could remodel all my bathrooms and replace my landscaping in the time some people are spending on this one.

I liked Killer Joe a lot too.

Fundamentally the problem is the IOC and the whole system. The world is realizing, especially since Athens and Sochi, that these games are destructive money grabs.

about ten years ago I remember seeing a breakdown, and no he's not super wealthy.

Oh wait, I thought you were saying the right in question was "demanding that presidential candidates respect members", when what you really meant was "allowing to demand that presidential candidates respect members".

Not really a right, although it's supposed to be a character test. That's in the toilet now.

Ben Wa

Welcome to the era of not making movies we WANT to see, but making movies we SHOULD see.

The Chinese in China aren't as bunched up as everyone here about skin color.

Man Fantastic

It's a period film.