
All true, and what's also true is that people aren't 100% evil. It's not inaccurate to portray the times in a bad person's like when they are good. Sure it doesn't feel good to see it when you've got your antenna up for his comeuppance, but the fact remains that nobody is beyond redemption. Good people do bad things,

I bet the money increases are marginal. Becoming a millionaire may follow unlocking your true self, but strong money skills are a different set of fundamentals.

It's funny that people do pay thousands for that, because what he's preaching is very old wisdom. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. But until the student is ready, wisdom will not come. But the basic tenet is: your situation, and all you experience, is a direct result of the decisions you have made.

"I am not a thinkpiece. I am not a fucking example"

I wish someone did a histogram of all film/TV projects involving an actor coming back in some way. Just seems like those have exploded since about what, 2009?

I love Hatesong. I love letting people verbalize their irrational, disconnected hate for a song that just won't go away. Several of these have been on my list. Great feature!

My brother lived in Vegas in the 2000s, and he encountered Diamond Dave on a couple of occasions. The man is apparently very charming and enthusiastic in person and will spend time with sincere fans. I wish him well.

Kiko is an essential must-own album.

I wouldn't go so far. I have a mass comm degree (useful nowhere else), and I feel comfortable saying that Stewart & Co have reach and resonance beyond any single comedian. The critical difference is that people never really got their news from comedians, but they do indeed go to The Daily Show and John Oliver for news

He's leaving his best stuff out. The man is a highly talented improviser, and he has amazingly funny friends. He should double down on extra high quality sketch comedy/improv, and create some hybrid late night/comedy salon.

I was being sarcastic. And sympathetic.

My problem is, the comedians pretend their show has no influence while omitting that they have audiences of millions of highly engaged viewers. They have an agenda, they promote positions, they are on major networks in prime time. Their clips get more earned social media than any news outlets. They are fully aware of

Funny thing is, outspending him seems like a real possibility. Whoda thunk?

You're not listening. Either you're Left and thinking correctly, or A Trump fan and not thinking at all. If you don't breathlessly share links to progressive monologues I don't even know who you are anymore.

Democracy is lots of fun until a population is divided.

I like this, it addresses a huge problem of enclavism… Democracy requires some unity, otherwise if you have contempt for 50% of the population you'll be screwed when they find a way to become 51% and vote for something you don't like.

Plus the codpieces look even more like penises, and you know what sand does to a penis.

Wait until Wiener-Dog. I have two dachshunds, and I tell everyone I meet not to get a freaking dachshund.

My interest in promoting Subway is defusing that weird, unreasonable "ewww, Subway" that makes me so disappointed in people. All the education, research and government funding towards food education hasn't changed this fact: people like to say "eww" because it's cute and fun.

You're one of those people I see. No facts or breakdown of nutrients contained will satisfy you. You have decided not to be convinced by facts, and live on the wisdom of internet comments. . Go read some books on nutrition, learn the chemical process, learn the building blocks, the amino acids. Go talk to