
Oh FFS. Groaner? Every one of your responses so far could have come from a bot (fast food sucks, things in quotes that aren't "real", and you must work for them)… and now you're descending into a pedantic argument about vegetables (which OF COURSE they'll be fresher at a farmer's market. We're talking about

Yeah, I get the "shill" trope a lot. Something about saying true things, rather than snarky things, brings that about.

And only two comments until you went there!

Lunchmeat is perfectly fine, the vegetables are the freshest and most whole you'll find outside a sit down restaurant. Plus whole chicken breasts, olive oil and vinegar, and sometimes imitation crab meat. By any objective standard this is healthy food. By Internet snark standards, however…

Um… lean meats, piles of fresh vegetables, what's not healthy about that?

I think putting sauce on it defeats the purpose of the only healthy fast food option.

The company investigates and acts so the government doesn't have to. If the response/recall doesn't do enough, the gov't steps in.

Wow, you may be one of the few who find the reliability good.


Or like every James Bond movie, several round tables of skiiers drinking under Carlsberg umbrellas.

She's going to tear up her tendons running and fighting in those super thin shoes.

Nice ass!

good god, you were up all night commenting on this? Are you okay? (I genuinely mean that)

Tried to reply last night; I think the moderators are shutting this convo down. Anyway, I did use that word (I forgot), and you're right for reminding me. But I always say things that have some thought behind them, some reasoning, or some facts. It's important to see and consider other patterns besides the obvious.

Oh sorry. yeah, I did. I remember having a researched reason. I may be blunt, but I don't say anything without something to back it up. I'll never say something like "doh, this guy is a retard" but I will say "an an objective scale, this is a valid thing to say, or a valid question to ask." Life is more interesting

Trying to discuss the idea of the dilemma rather than this specific case. in my hometown I had a friend who did what we all did: drove drunk. We all got away with it except her. She hit another car and hurt some people. She broke her own back and straight disappeared while the injury and the case shook themselves out.

Oh did I use the word asshole?

I'm laddering up to the broader question.

Someday a friend may ask you to write something for a court of law. There will be a victim. What would you do? It's an ethical dilemma.

I hear you. These days, the wrong opinion can land you in serious trouble, and cost you your livelihood. apparently she was a friedn of the defendants? It would suck to have to choose between Internet love and your lifelong friend who did something stupid.