


Parallel worth considering: aggressive, inaccurate speech about someone else meant to provoke a reaction.

You're trying to paint me as a racist, but you'll need a lot more information to really make an accurate call, so you're asking questions to try and figure that out.

So glad you're here.

But… why would we hero-worship someone we openly admit wasn't a nice guy? basically my point, an unpopular one, obviously, but someone has to say it. Isn't that what Ali did?

I liked the dignified desegregationist black guy (Frazier).

This is the best reply I've read. Thanks so much for fully considering my opinion.

Right but Sinatra was tortured by his own dickery. He'd openly regret wrong things he did. It took Ali until 2001 to publicly acknowledge Frazier. Under any objective scorecard, Ali scored high on the words "mean", "cocky", and "a-hole". I'm just here to remind the group that being endlessly self-promoting isn't

I'm all good with acknowledging talent without hero-worshipping.

You're right; he wasn't openly mean to Frazier until it did the show any good. After that Frazier wondered for many years why Ali would talk about him like that. It took until 2001 for the man to apologize, long after Frazier's family bore the brunt of Ali's trash talk and "Uncle Tom" baiting. I'd never deny Ali's

I agree completely. I thought he was cool just like everyone else. Then I started reading about the horrible ways he would treat his opponents. Joe Frazier was haunted his whole life by Ali's endless harassment. That shows a deep, dark vein of some weird kind of hate/cruelty. It wasn't a one-time thing, and Ali never

Tell her to read about the horrible ways he treated Joe Frazier all his life.

I don't usually troll on deaths, but Ali was a mean, cocky a-hole. And I'm a Sinatra fan, I know what enjoying a mean, cocky a-hole is all about. Good riddance.

As ambience. Or played at 1.5X speed.

Just turn it off after he leaves Cuba. That's how I get through it.

Living Daylights had some top notch action sequences.

It's foolish to say one Bond is worse than another. All of them have their highlights, and none of them are flawless. There is always some reason to enjoy each film. It's best to let each one kind of simmer, and you slot it in where you think it fits.

Too bad. Really cool bomb-disarming scene.