
In Minneapolis, at least, the situation is flipped. I have to apologize for my simple "pisswater" every time someone comes over. I've even had to hide my "riced down shitty American lager" when I broght it to a party, lest the host/hostess be embarassed in front of the other guests.

I would fight a war over not doing these edits.

No love for "Soft and Wet" as always.

Ew, it's a wedding song. The musical equivalent of a Cosby sweater.

Strangers with Candy? "Put it on shag!"

I try to sympathize, and the transitiion from childhood to adult hood is fuzzy, but when does adulthood set in? At what age is it not acceptable to do these things? Never? EVen the most sympathetic groups like Al Anon give up at some point when they admit you can;t help someone who doesnt want to be helped.

I'm talking about the parents.

How can this rebuke the philosophy of bootstrapping with untaken medication and disastrous decisions to spend $800 in the most irresponsible way?

Amanda's dad is an old race driver. He made a must-watch series called Victory By Design that is pure car drool. Tasty, lingering 90-minute deconstructions of classic race cars. The Porsche 917 episode is a classic.

Paging Steve Dahl…

But then you'd introduce a new set of variables: motivation, guilt, emotion, etc. Normalizing for those things is impossible. In this case, there was a reasomable conclusion: when liking a show AND eating, you eat more.

Saw it this weekend, doing my fatherly duty and expecting to doze off in another kid's movie.

You're still not getting the design. With snacks as the dependent variable, and preferences for shows being the independent variable, the outcome was: people ate more when they liked the show. Consuming more was not only not measured, it's irrelevant because the conclusion was still significant.

Who is this, Vinny Vedeci?

ben folds five?

This. I'm puzzled by the infantalism of Darth Vader, who's basically Space Hitler. I mean in the 1980s you could make an argument for "it's just a movie", but then in Episode III he killed a room of children. Um…

There is a whole community of people who make home sleep chambers. They're basically plywood coffins with PC fans for ventilation, sound insulation, and twin mattresses. You make them taller so you can sit up.

Achewood had a concept called "boy dog" for trucks, which was a modified golf bag.

LOL I know the "analyze this" was ridiculous! What is this, the Batman soundtrack?

if he could get a helicopter with guns, why couldn't he get one with some decent bombs? Instead of shooting up the house, just blow it up. done.