Every other Bond movie is junk. it's been that way since Moonraker and possibly before. Get used to it.
Every other Bond movie is junk. it's been that way since Moonraker and possibly before. Get used to it.
Pay $10 for clanking chains
Given the main argument of anti-vaxxers is "you don't know what's in there", I'm a little surprised. I smoke the damn things but I'm 100% accepting that nobody is close to accounting for what's in these things.
We like to keep our streets clean, eh?
LOL "toilet dungeon" had me on the floor. Best punchline ever. Do you say it softly, with a little lilt?
For those who havent read the book, it's not bad. I listened to the audiobook FWIW. There's enough inherent in a well-done Rapture premise to make it pretty interesting. There's an Antichrist figure that eventually emerges.
The globe. It mocks me.
PA2 was the series peak.
I could see some athletes being late because they had to help shovel the driveway too.
Bring it to Minnesota and go SMALL SCALE.Have the athletes stay in people's homes. Serve casseroles, lutefisk… have the local moms knit up the Olympic sweaters. Play hockey on local rinks. Deliberately limits the attendance and set up viewing parties all over the state.
Schnapps! Press "U" to use!
Tell me Mr. Papschmir, have you ever seen sensory induced hypnosis?
Five bucks it's Ron Howard.
There should be feeds for all the characters…
I would not hire a creative accountant for my business. Marketers and engineers should be creative. Accountants are highly paid to hit GAAP on a dime, every day, every year. Accountants are absolutely essential. Without good accounting you can't have an ethical organization. Accountants prevent all sorts of…
Why be ashamed of what you like?
Gladwell didn't some up with any of that on his own. All those points existed elsewhere and LONG before. Those are basic CPG market research tenets.
Damn I remember watching the 15th anniversary shindig.
I watch it anyway. Where else am I gonna see stuff like this?
The show that dares to suggest white kitchen cabinets and gold doorknobs were in style in 1982.