
How can the fact that an album that came out last week is bad have been true for 15 years. Who edits this crap?

Counterpoint: In comparison with post TES Eminem and some of his worst albums (Recovery, Revival etc), Kamikaze is Very Good

Came here for this, was not disappointed.

There isn’t a patent for this one.


To be fair, Carrey painted Sarah Sanders as Sarah Sanders. Genetics and a lifetime of habitual lying made her a monster!

No asshole, what we need right now are #thoughtsandprayers

Uhhh... Americans?

10s, perhaps 100s of thousands of households in America have guns in easily accessible spots where kids can get them and injure themselves and others.

One of our most defining traits, welcome to the United States.

It’s true. Had there only been more guns in the house, this whole horrible tragedy might have been averted.

Fuck guns and fuck the NRA and fuck anyone who supports the NRA.

Obviously we need to start arming the 13-year-old girls.

Completely agreed, without caveat.

My institution missed out on a chance to participate in this, as we’re on spring break this week (and we’re a college, so our “walkout” participation would’ve been markedly different than a public K-12 school), but any educator who seeks to restrain their students from exercising

We should arm everyone with bombs. The only way to stop a bad guy with a bomb is a good guy with a bomb.

Wayne LaPierre, NBA

I saw it live (neutral viewer btw) and was like, fuuuuuuck that was awesome.

After yet another crushingly disappointing finish, I took a deep breath, then watched this on repeat, over and over again. I have yet to figure out how this was even physically possible, but right there in this moment Salah bent time and space, he was Messi, and I no longer give a fuck about those lost two points or