
Bitcoin Cash is a hard fork of the original Bitcoin. Basically they split off and did their own thing, and everything prior to the split was duplicated (so if you had 4 Bitcoin before you now have 4 Bitcoin and 4 Bitcoin Cash. If you spent 2 Bitcoin today you’d still have 2 Bitcoin and 4 Bitcoin Cash

This is so much bullshit.

That’s close, but THIS is what a demigod looks like

If the majority of the GOP couldn’t be convinced that supporting a pedophile is bad, what are the chances of convincing the majority that repealing Net Neutrality is bad as well? But I’m willing to believe in miracles after what happened in Alabama earlier this week.

I dunno about anyone else, but I was having a blast with the Prometheus Lens on crucible. I felt bad for the people that refused to use one or didnt have one. They got creamed.

That’s your take? A guy voluntarily sticks his head in a microwave, fills it with an expanding, hardening substance, and then films it with the intention of profiting from it... and you come away from all of that saying that the FIRE DEPARTMENT should be ashamed of themselves for calling out his idiocy?

This is really the only civilized response.

what the fuck

Holy crap! That isn’t good.

Fuck it, may as well just go all in an build a monument to the ‘good Germans’ that died during WWII at the embassy.

I am #2.

I feel like I’m the only person on the internet who’s really enjoying Destiny 2 and thinks a lot of these changes are good things. Comments sections surrounding the game are full of really dissatisfied people, to put it lightly.

Because, by all rights, they should at least be the second slowest class, and being the tanking class, one could argue they should be the slowest class... and I’m a titan main.