
Sorry not sorry to be *that* guy (this is Kylie we’re talking about), but her debut album Kylie was released in 1988 (not 1998). Let’s give this queen the credit she deserves!

People voted for George W Bush because he seemed like a guy you could have a beer with.

HIV is a retrovirus, meaning it actually writes its RNA code into the DNA of cells it infects. And it has a penchant for the cells of the specific (as opposed to nonspecific) immune system, which means that even if these cells have been prepped for it (like a vaccine might normally d0) they have difficulty fighting it

“Riddle me this, Batman...What ends before it started?”

Totally agree. Usually this kind of fetch-quest/go do stuff you already did quest structure feels joyless but I really appreciated making the old rounds and getting these throwback gifts. 

(Cheerful) I am happy to hear this! (Depressed) Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say.

I honestly think that everything Bungie is doing right now is in the best interest of the game despite the, ‘but ma base game grind content that’s been free for a year that’s only being temporarily removed’ crowd on reddit and the bungie forums.

They’re just eyebrows. They’ll grow back.

A Chinese holding company (TenCent) owns a minority stake in the company while Tim Sweeney himself owns the majority of the company (more than 50%).

I found an interview he did a few years ago:

We all lie in the bed we make, but sometimes that bed is a road. And so instead we end up walking where we sleep. But if we don’t like where we are going, its time to have a different dream. For Ellen, its time for her to wake up, into a new dream, where she can lie down, and walk her own path.

Or as Kotaku would say

Is there information on how much data a typical kotaku page uses? This page alone has 7 ads and an autoplaying video

The letter writer sounded pretty compassionate to me in that she’s struggling with how to handle this. Lots of people would have just ditched Jen.

I add a tablespoon to my coffee every morning and I don’t look a day over 94!

No, there’s no problem. It’s a really dumb thing to be mad about. It’s about as significant as a non-christian saying “Jesus Christ” when they stub their toe. Who fucking cares?

The Ventura County Dive Team is civilian volunteers, not police. Diving at night is both dangerous and mostly ineffective. Realize, it sucks, but this has been a body recovery operation from the start, not a rescue. 

Kelly went on to say that the union will not offer financial assistance to any officer found to be a member of the Facebook group.”

You can’t argue that pop culture doesn’t influence actual culture in a country with a reality TV star as the president.