
I doubt Mr. Bling does anything. I bet he has poorly paid assistants or as we in the US call them, “unpaid interns.”

As long as we have a for-profit health care system everything around health care will be for-profit. The attorneys, the insurance companies, the NFL, the drug and medical device companies, the hospitals.... In the UK when someone is injured they are cared for (at a cost of $5000/year/person in taxes) and private

These people (add Hugh Hewitt, Ross Douhat, Bret Stephens, and Marc Theissen to the list) keep getting credibility by being on TV, interviewed by or set up as commentators news outlets, and making appearances on various conferences. Bill Maher, the NYT & Washington Post, even MSNBC have put these idiots out in public

How skinny is the girl? I meant those legs look as if they cannot hold her up, so she’s leaning against the wall for support.

Work is capital investment, but our economy and our public discourse treats work as an expense rather than a participatory act that should be rewarded just as cash investment is. We no longer think of work as separate from our lives, as if everyone is working at their dream job instead of for money, and that is

No one wrote about “correctly” (sic) portraying violence.

Confrontational means designed to provoke an emotional response. That’s manipulation, not that far from what advertizers do. This is an artistic version of selling an idea. The premise that one can be non-exploitative in showing intimate acts is a kind of “new” idea, one bred in response to the denial of how awful

Thanks for ..insult?

It is the nature of artistic portrayal to be at a distance from reality; it is a thing unto itself. Any portrayal is a distinct act of violence. No matter how you justify it, explicit violence as entertainment is not a statement on the violence, it is intrinsically an exploitation of cruelty to garner attention not to

That photo is of The Mills family, John, Mary, Juliet, Jonathan, and Haley and Juliet’s son Sean. I remember when Juliet married a man 18 years younger than she, the media went crazy imagining what was wrong with him, including speculating that he was gay and she his beard.

It’s a combination of ultra-right wing, rich, white guys and their organizations. The Heritage Foundation (see teamrobot2001, below), The Federalist Society, the GOP, a front group called the Media Research Center, the Sarah Scaife Foundation, the Koch Brothers groups, the Sacklers, the Walton Family (Walmart), and a

Tarantino has no thoughts, just impulses.

When this doesn’t work, the “doctor” blames the woman, who already feels guilty. This is how a ton of anti-abortion groups get members. They are manipulative jerks. My mother was one of them. Fortunately, she’s too infirm to keep doing this, but she does give them a ton of money.

So toss out values and stated goals to save our values and maybe do a little something that looks similar to our stated goals? If you’re saying “love it or leave it”then you’re no different from the right.

And Claws.

From King of the World by David Remnick: Ultimately boxing is indefensible.

Jane Curtain is right: there is a joke using the bulletproof vest to indicate the futility of a groping attempt. It’s focus isn’t the woman, it’s the man who’s too dim to understand the situation. It’s not a good joke, but it’s about him, not her.

How are sports teams allowed non-profit status? This has to change.

CEOs once again showing why they’re (not) worth 300 times what the average worker is paid.

What would you do if a customer refused to be served by a black person? Would you still serve that customer or ask him/her to leave?