
Harris set up Biden with her busing story. No one has noticed that she did this not to make a point about busing - which turned out to be remarkably counterproductive & wasn’t as simple as “racists are against busing” - but to wedge herself into a position to take down Joe Biden on his support for racists.

The Democrats have to consider POTUS and Congress. Harris, Klobuchar, Gillebrand, and the other white guys should be in Congress. The president dosne’t have absolute power, as evidenced by GOP puppeteer, McConnell.

I loathed Bridesmaids for the same reason I loathe The Hangover - they’re about incompetent adults who are really children and they’re mean. Crass isn’t the same as funny; without the right context the laughs just come from someone’s humiliation. When we laugh at videos of people getting hurt it’s out of nervousness,

Apologies. You’re right. Your work is being billed by your boss & you won’t see any direct gain for your work, but someone is paying for it. The firms I worked in billed for work done by their “underlings” & their own work, so they could, in effect, bill for more hours than there are in a day.

Internment camp is a concentration camp.

As with executive assistants, paralegals can rise through the ranks to other titles in corporate legal departments or, as was the case with several paralegals I’ve known, their companies pay for other degrees -MBA, JD, MA- so they can change jobs. Unfortunately, the only people I ever saw offered those opportunities

Attorneys bill every hour. No attorney is doing work that isn’t for a client, phone calls, emails, even research is billable. If you’re an attorney who doesn’t bill clients for every second, no firm will keep you.

That Booker charisma is about all he has. When in meetings he folds completely. It’s as if he gets energy from the people around him, like a charisma vampire.

It’s not just the “I was abused and look how great I am (never mind that I want to abuse others)“ position, it’s that the idea that abuse is strengthening. That crap “ what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger” doesn’t count all the dead & damaged people lost along the way.

This is what is called “the cycle of abuse.”

What office is she running for?

I presume you’re referencing the Roosevelts. In current value, Teddy was worth about $136 million. FDR about $66 million. Trump says he’s worth $3 billion.

Charge ride sharing companies for the extra cars they put on the road. Regulate them and the drivers, who should be classified as employees, not cotnract workers.

My vagina can’t reach the table or hold the special ballot marker.

I had my thyroid removed and it left a visible but not immediately evident scar, as if I’d been mildly garroted. Because it cut through the muscles under my chin, I immediately got a little pouch. I didn’t mind until I was 50. Then I had a neck lift. It is subtle but it made a lot of difference. My surgeon specializes

Because there the OPEIU is very small and hardly visible just now. It’s starting to change, but access to those large companies, law firms especially, is really difficult. Most admins don’t start off wanting to be career admins, they just get really good at it. Most of us began thinking it would do to pay rent, then

U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Hogan said the sentence for Jackson Cosko, 27, was needed to send a signal that criminal harassment driven by political motives would be punished severely...

Why does Megan McCain have this job? Seriously, can she read? Because as near as I can figure, she knows nothing, never did anything, hasn’t built anything but her own ego, and was given a job on TV because she’s related to a man who fashioned himself as a “maverick” and “straight shooter” although he wasn’t either of

I quote from the Current Affairs article:

No one said that. The inability to see outside your own point of view is a serious problem of anyone who thinks he’s leadership material.