
The point that good editing should go unnoticed is key to understanding so much. I was a lighting designer and quickly learned that in the rare occasions when the lighting was a commentary or represented an abstract character I had to think about the design differently than when I was doing a realistic play. Turning

I’ve been timing commercials breaks during MLB games. For last year’s playoffs, there were 23 minutes of commericals/hour. For non-playoff games, there was a 2 or 3 minute commercial every seven minutes.

Is there a school for photo posturing? Celebrities must have some training in how to pose as if their spines are incapable of holding up their whole bodies. The tilting back as if someone prodded you in the ribcage is a popular stance. So, too, is the chin-down-eyebrows-raised while you look into the camera position.

I had to fight my family to go to college.

This is a 60 year old plane design.

For want of a heil...Hitler!

At Oracle, Warriors tickets in nosebleed seats with a partial view are $80. There are no single tickets available at the new arena until such time as all season ticket requests are satisfied. There’s the mandatory $35,000 “membership fee” plus the 60% increase in per seat ticket prices, so a single seat at the new

These are not financial statements. These are unverified lists of numbers.

Rowling was born in 1965, so if you’re judging by the age and therefore perspective of the writers and directors, yes. It’s not the characters, it’s the point of view and the subject. A movie about an office couldn’t be written by people who had yet to be in the work force. Young adult books about teenagers aren’t

Apologies for missing your point about white, male boomers. I didn’t see that in any of your posts.

Please read some history. Those boomers are people like John Lewis, Gloria Steinem, Bella Abzug, Elena Featherstone, Audre Lorde, Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, Angela Merkel, Oprah Winfrey and also people like Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham, Donald Trump.....

Written by a Mike Judge, born in 1960. So, it’s made by adults showing the realities of working life to people their own age who are living it.

The fact that you say this junk means you’re really bad at HR and you’re justifying cruelty and illegal actions by using unlike things. Racism is not like being gay. Racist actions are like homophobic actions, like not hiring black people or not hiring women or gay people which is illegal. It’s not like going to a prid

Why is he allowed to play professional sports? Seriously, is a fastball worth giving this guy the financial power and a public forum to generate animosity and/or hurt someone? Hiring a narcissistic psychopath can’t be a good idea anymore than hiring someone with a history of domestic abuse. Sooner or later someone is

Primaries were in 2007, 12 years ago. People running again when they’re 65 is way different than when they’re 77 and would take office at 79.

Part of reason is because the people who have arrived in the San Francisco Bay Area in the last ten years do not go to theater or any kind of live performances. The average age of theater goers in SF area is 50. Even comedy clubs have tickets available at the last minute unless it’s someone who’s so well known they

Let me guess, the trajectory of a sinker? A stinker?

I cannot stand this seemingly moral stances. I’ve stayed in and have relatives who live in places where fur is the only thing that saves you from freezing to death. There is no fabric that does what fur and leather does, & don’t go off about technological solutions because miracle fabrics come at a cost of serious

Choosing Ivo van Hove as a director is awful. I saw what he did to A View From The Bridge & A Streetcar Named Desire. Ugh.