
I have fine, limp hair that used to be dark strawberry blond but has become that odd red-tinged blue-grey that redheads get later in life. A henna rinse gives it body. Then I look at what Diane Keaton, Helen Mirren, Cameron Diaz, Diane Sawyer, and Katie Couric are doing.

Also, when you’re an older woman, say 40, if you act pathetic you get all kinds of information. By the time you’re coming up on 60, if you act as if you know nothing about that “crazy technology stuff,” men reveal all kinds of things they do - like secretly record their girlfriends. Those same men assume that - after

Someone has watched all the versions of A Star Is Born.

It’s “your” not “You’re.”

The average compoud growth rate for an IRA is 8%. That’s if the stock market perpetually rises. As someone who’s had an IRA for 30+ years, the three stock crashes and the disappearance of one of the banks holding my mutual funds means I lost almost all of my savings. Mutual funds were never intended to supplant

You’re confusing amount with percentage, and conflating income with wealth. Someone who has $50,000 and pays 10% in taxes pays $5000, while someone who has $200,000 and pays 10% will pay $20,000. The dent in the grocery bill for the person making $50k is serious; there’s no worry about food for the person making

Still trying to figure out why men find it so difficult to treat women with respect.

Sure, some people are slender with very long limbs, but with 64% of fashion models being clinically & chronically underweight by more than 20% of recommended BMI, 20% fitting the medical criteria for life threatening anorexia, that’s unlikely. Most models make about $35,000/year. The professional lifespan of a model

Domestic abuse advocates talk about the complexity of abuse all the time. Abuse, by it’s nature mixes mythology with social patterns with religion with law with psychology, addiction, injury, and mental illness. To sweep aside reality, as you do when saying there’s a perfect victim rhetoric, suggests excusing abusers

True. It’s just that athletes are not tiny and they eat.

Not just the razor sharp cheekbones, these women’s spines stick out. I used to work lighting for fashion shows. As the token woman on the crew, I was perched between the changing area and the stage, as if my presence blocked the view of the male stagehands.

Caitlin Flanagan & Maureen Dowd & Cynthia Ozick are bad writers and thoughtless - as in without a coherent thought - people. They are among the group of male identified women who, like Trump supporters, deny evidence of the damage done by patriarchy, by capitalism, and by their own promotion of willful ignorance.

So many comments are based on the myth that the WNBA isn’t as interesting or profitable or something as the NBA. It’s great basketball, it’s just that if you’re used to one great player carrying entire teams then, sure, team play is going to look less exciting to you because it isn’t about one person you fantasize you

By doing a set about current topics in which never mentions the reason he hasn’t done a set in, gee, six months, he’s already ignoring his behavior. He will do it again, only he’ll have a better excuse and do it to women who are so vulnerable or in situations where there’s some way he can deny the accusations that

Recently visited a fried who moved to Pittsburgh. Coming into the city via the Fort Pitt Tunnel at night —- OMG! spectacular! The ball park is great.

Amazon paid $0 in taxes in 2017. On $5.8 billion in US profits.

This is the logical extention of the GOP philospohy of run government like a business. Translation: make money off people’s needs and use the law to do it.

I got hooked in the first episode when Polly wears a cheap, fancy dress with her ankle bracelet and says, “Like it? I wore it to Reagan’s first inauguration ball.” I knew there was something behind all the Florida flash.

remember when Moonves stiffed a valet because he only had $100s?