
I kind of wanted it to be good so I could have something to watch while sick with my first cold of winter, but it’s unwatchable. Bad writing, bad acting/intolerable whining, when did Matt Czuchry get so thin? and why did they dye Scott Pattersons hair so brown?, and isn’t this another version of Westworld only without

The ballot read:

What are these donations to and for?

Tell him you can’t afford the burial, but since it’s so important to him, he can do and pay for it.

This pope also siad that women can never be priests because Jesus was a man & because women’s roles are all in service to men. He’s more than once reaffirmed the Church’s stance that marriage is between a man and a woman and that homosexual sex is inherently wrong because it cannot result in children. Same for sex for

Not “all of the terrorist attacks people are really concerned about” were by undocumented people. The attacks on Planned Parenthood offices, the Unibomber, the Sandy Hook, Columbine, Washington Fort Hood...I could go on...shootings were all white guys, all domestic right wing extremists.

Perhaps it can be called Sherman’s Stop.

All the programs that help the rural poor are Democratic Party designed & supported and the GOP has tried to eliminate or seriously cut all of them. In 2014 the GOP cut $8.7 billion from food stamp programs, in 2015 they tried to cut an additional $23 billion then, ultimately by end of 2017, cuts will be another $39

Thanks. Apparently Mr. Mancrush is experiencing diversification as an attack. I was just saying today that being curios about other perspectives makes life so interesting. As a woman who’s old enough ( a mere 57) to have had to have her father’s permission to get a driver’s license and to apply for college, then my

Do you see how this response is exactly what Gelman was talking about? Instead of looking inward to examine your own biases, you presume someone is “talking down” to you when he’s discussing his own experience and asking for a greater variety of voices to work with and watch.

Glad you said this.

Government pensions are 35% of their highest earnings over five years. GS 15, a very high level, makes about $150,000/year after 25 years, but any benefits for the family are paid completely by the employee and the pension can be cut at any time.

Protests are part of civil disobedience, protected by law.

Except the president elect and leaders of the GOP.

But the working class wasn’t ignored.

He’s from Brooklyn. He moved to Vermont in 1968 to have a “rural life.”

What do you want to run for? I’m thinking of doing it myself, but I’m almost 60. So in the past two days found three young, progressive people I would like to see take up politics as a profession. I offered to help them by finding out more about offices they might be interested in, and how to go about doing it.

Ryan isn’t boring or safe. He’s an anti-entitlement guy who wants to gut Medicare and Social Security because he thinks they make people weak. He thinks health care would benefit by being a “free market” purchase apd for by those who use it. That those who use Medicare do not have money and what money they have is

High ranking military did not vote for Trump. Perhaps some of the lower ranking people did, but no one in a position of power wanted a lunatic at the helm.