No sperm age as well. It’s a myth that eggs are responsible for most birth defects, but it’s easier to blame women for anything wrong with a child because they carry the fetus.
No sperm age as well. It’s a myth that eggs are responsible for most birth defects, but it’s easier to blame women for anything wrong with a child because they carry the fetus.
AAA estimates the cost of driving a newer car with fuel efficiency of 25mph city driving at 75¢/mile. You may want to figure that into your income. If you’re driving 50 miles in that 5 hours that’s $37.50 of your $90 in gas, insurance, & wear. If you’ve got a car loan outstanding, your cost is higher.
Are there no laws about toxic waste and commercial areas in Delaware? This garage is spectacular, but the one run by the guy down the street from my sister could explode at any time. Same principle as people are applauding here, but the guy near my sister’s house is running a business in a residential area and, from…
Have you done the cost analysis? It may cost you more to drive than you’re making.
Individual attractiveness is not the same as rating attractiveness of fellow athletes as a team building activity. When you judge people you are supposed to be supporting for their athleticism and, I dunno, for our shared humanity, you are belittling people who share your interests, insulting people who have…
Even if you did hang around women anyplace other than in your fantasies, how would you know what women do when men aren’t around?
And yet some people wonder why the misogyny continues....
Lizz WInstead, the creator of The Daily Show, had a great sitcom called O2Be, a satire on morning shows.
Monica Lozan is the current chairman of the board of regents. (yep, they still call it chairman rather than chair) Bonnie Reiss is the current Vice Chairman of the Board of Regents. Governor Jerry Brown appoints the regents. You can write to them all:
Just read a description from an on-line fashion site, “model is 5'10", wearing a size 2.” WTF???!
I’m definately not the target audience, but I had hoped the characters would change, would learn something or make a commitment to anything. The show just wanders. When people who we’re supposed to see as loving, responsible and pulled together, do unnecessarily stupid things, like take abuse from a “friend” then get…
You are making art an equation. Stephen King doesn’t have to be a murderer anymore than Mary Shelly has to be a mad scientist to reveal themselves in their work. King’s horror stories use horror to discuss cowardice and bravery, to illustrate adaptivity and creation. The murders, the dangers are devices. Shelly…
My point is not that there are not complex and inter-twined elements of beauty or ugliness or distress, but that artists’ work is, by necessity, of the artist’s perspective. If that artist sees women as subservient, that will come through in the work.
That argument puts the responsibility for meaning, for the work of and working on art itself onto the viewer rather than the person who made the work. That’s problematic is a host of ways. It at once absolves the artist from responsibility and makes the artist invisible, less important than the viewer. This tautology…
We have a myth of compartmentalization, that is, that a who a person is can be hidden from view entirely. This competes with our understanding that we reveal who we are in our work, especially creative work, and in our attitudes and behaviors. While certainly there are people who are experts in manipulation. like…
Is this your experience, your perception, or a demonstrable fact? We all have biases and believe things that are not borne out by data. There may be more “black Aficans or other first- generation Americans” where you are, but your area is really your experience, not everyone’s experience and not a specified geography.
There are huge problems with these robotic surgeons. The American College of Obstericians and Gynecologists warns that these devices must be evaluated as to their appropriate use.
Part of the problem was that the show had co-producers (Bob Banner Associates) who wanted to do things with her work she wouldn’t allow.
Negro Leaguers Smoky Joe Williams, aka “Cyclone”, Chief Bender, Bullet Rogan, Satchel Paige.
No. Labor laws do not apply to government employees.