“...how the TV world can be so diverse, but the movie world just cant get it together.”
“...how the TV world can be so diverse, but the movie world just cant get it together.”
I have an issue with the idea that “trash talking” is perfomative. This presumes that we are able to compartmentalize emotion, which is not true. We can repress emotion, recognize it, then choose how to behave, but that’s hard to do.
It is now.
It’s not the definition of drunk that’s at issue, It’s the definition of consent.
Remember when Moonves, CEO of CBS - a guy who makes +$65 million / year, 2nd in the US - didn’t tip a valet because he only had $100 bills?
They probably wouldn’t think “progressive” was a bad word, but they’d define it differently. It would (and did) involve justifying the killing of native populations and anyone not white by imagining anything white males did or invented was the highest achievement of humankind. Females of any species (but especially…
It’s a preposterous idea that anyone can know the intentions of people who died 200 years ago, of the reality of the times’ context, of their assumptions, prejudices, and depth or shallowness of their insights or and that they foresaw the advent of anti-biotics, airplanes, cell phones, and Batman vs. Superman. Why…
There are so many versions of this kind of deal.
Unfortunately, Comic Sans Sense is what so many local politicians fall for these days.
But it was a fight and only took place when people stopped buying Ben & Jerry’s and the PR went sideways.
Yes. They will inevitably go for cheaper processes and ingredients. Be careful. Stockpile.
Giants fan. But still, they’ve played so badly the only reason it would be worth a wild card win would be to watch a Bud Light bottle careen off the foul pole and knock Joe Buck unconscious.
It kills them.
There is nothing anyone could do at the Grove that would be considered a scene. They’ve imported prostitutes for entertainment, do amateur theatricals named things like “Chastity or I’ll Belt Her,” pee on trees and plan how to rule the world. The Grove has its own hospital, security, and keep the all male staff hidden…
“He had to give up his firearms and any weapons.”
I was raised very Catholic & some friends are still practicing Catholics. Of those women who say they are Catholic Feminists, who go to church regularly, they are not, technically, Catholics.
But every investigation says there was no influence peddling. Why is this so hard for people to believe? What possible influence could HRC have on the things the Clonton Foundation did? Get more aid to Africa? Deal directy with Nobel Prize wnners?
Health care finances are almost entirely shady. Hospitals are “non-profit” but they simply funnel money into foundations, while they collect money from insurers and patients. CEOs and upper management make millions badgering people into paying thousands of times what tests and medicines cost.
So much this. As an official old lady, I worked hard to get the ERA passed. I stood up against family, church, and school. I am still so angry. Not passing the ERA has cost society in myriad ways. By allowing for discrimination, the women and men who fought for the ERA were effectively locked out of political power…