
Unfortunately, ageism isn't just part of start-up culture. I've been interviewed by a university and an arts organization; the first by a very young, inexperienced, yet oddly confident young woman & the second by the head of HR, also female, about 20 years older. The worst experience is in the company I'm currently

I wonder how these guys would feel and say about Lueke if it were their daughter, wife or mother he had raped.

Maybe, but his recent budget speech seems to have reignited doubts about his appeal to the general public.

Most of the posters here are under 50. Anyone who thinks that 30 is old hasn't considered the experience of women over 40.

Disraeli converted or was converted/baptized into the Church of England at age 12.

Gregory doesn't do a "great job." Neither did Tim Russert, but somehow asking vague questions about nothing important, questions previously OKed by the guests' PR staff, pass for interviews. The US has no Jeremy Paxman to ask and keep asking public figures questions about their jobs and choices until there's a real

Yep, those people who say everyone "did just fine" argue that time with the new human they created is unnecessary, that the woman who went through hell is OK on her own, and that things around the house just got done by magic.


While accuracy seems to be the reason for replays, as this instance illustrates the inherent conflict between accuracy and individual judgement. No matter whether it's done on the field or in a booth, reliance on personal perception affects outcome.

Yet ball girl is the only position she'll be allowed to play.

I'm struggling with the economics of these insane salaries for athletes.

Following people around because they make movies or are christened as celebrities is creepy. There's nothing inherently interesting in someone coming out of a bar, unless, of course, that person is Marco Rubio and he's coming out of a gay nightclub kissing Ru Paul. ("I thought it was Rand!")

But the ones wearing white pillowcases, corner up, may increase.

It's really wrong headed to begin with the presumption that everyone is a terrorist. Security lines create a large and immobilized target for anyone who wants to wreak havoc. It would be far more effective to require gun registration for every gun sold anywhere in the US, check every gun owner at security, and

Why is the term "plus-size"? It artificially separates people into a category that has little to do with the process of designing and making clothes and everything to do with segregating people. Do men - the ones that don't wear (shudder) Dockers - have this issue?

To be equally disassociated, the swimsuit guy should be wearing a Speedo.

I cry when I'm really angry. I can't help or stop it, so I just continue through tears. If the boys in the room can't take it, that's not my problem. I'm not whining, not holding anyone "emotionally hostage;" I'm making points that should be heard .

No matter how athletic women have become in the relatively short time they've been allowed to play sports, no matter how many women brought home medals from the 2014 Olympics - 40 women won medals, including 21 on the hockey team, vs. 25 team and individual medals for the men - women on the cover of SI are there for

It is the fundamentals of the college administrative system that are the problem.

I saw a version of this sign at KNBR 25 years ago. KNBR has a history of misogyny that even a dedicated sexist would find appalling, if only in its stupidity.