Hey Sister, Hey

And let’s not forget that because these people were such underhanded, freeloading con-men, the taxpayers picked up the bill for the kid to go to rehab.

I don’t excuse Rachel Dolezal, but I’m starting to understand.

I will never stop mourning the loss of that series. At least Gawker retained its archives so I can go back and revisit when I’m having a bad day.

“Could Be the Worst Restaurant in America.”

They cried “The election is rigged” until “Trump won, get over it!”

What I’d really love is a step by step guide to untangling yourself from Photos on the mac. I really really want to do it but I’m afraid of losing things BY doing it. I need a step by step guide to cutting the red wire.

Because Bill’s treatment of women is still her biggest character flaw. It’s nuts, but how she handled that is far more weighty than how either man responded to the accusations against themselves, because of how little we expect from men and how much we expect from women.

I’ve bellyached about this a lot in the last week or so, including in the kinjaverse. I think I’ve come away with a couple of key takeaways, for my own squaring of cognitive dissonance.

1) Bill is not running. Moreover, even if we look at Hill/Bill as a team, Hill did not have a part in any infidelities (and/or