


Is it free ?

Why do you continue to insult you fanbase with things like “Ask Dr Nerdlove” as if this was the 80's and being into games is seen as negative, as if we’re in a Revenge of the Nerds movie ?

Anyone fucking dumb enough to fall for this shit is the reason WoW is so awful now.

I’ll probably get them, although I’m guessing most likely they didn’t age well and will be hard to entertainin due to today’s technomogical capabilities. I’m guilty of rost-tinted nostalgia clouding me about stuff too.

This looks like DX and that start select map warp you could do on literally every screen was fixed I think, I played the crap out of this game as a teenager and never used the cheat thoughm but knew about it then.

This seems like something that may have kicked ass back when it was relevant, but it likely didn’t age well and nostalgia is giving everyone rose-tinted glasses.

Most people’s definition of ‘works great’ when it comes to emulation never satisfies me. I need to experience it the same way that I could with the actual harware, otherwise what’s the point.

My issue with emulation is the audio, as in crackles/popping, not sounding correct, and out of sync audio, it needs to be flawless

Is there crossbuy ? Meaning can I play it on my PS3 and Vita ?

He fell for the Xbone meme

1440p (2560x1440) 60fps nonstop for me.

Why is this garbage on this website, this isn’t 1982 where it’s trendy to bash nerds and call them virgins and there’s a nerd stigma because only a few small people qualify.

Yet another reason I don’t store CC info in accounts like this.

I’m sorry, but this combat looks fucking retarded, and I thought it was bad enough with the disney characters.

You shouldn’t be able to sell your games.

Too bad the game is garbage now and Legion is fanservice shlock because the game is dying.

At this point a novel or just being told would suffice, the series can’t offer anything like it used to.

Inc downgrade