
Trashier sites ?

You’re implying no one else would have discovered those.

Putting black paint on your face to cosplay as someone black isn’t racist, you fucking retard.

I don’t particularly care for streamers, but as long as it involved a willing adult why does this matter ?

You have some seriously thin skin and I bet you’re the type of fucktard that calls people bullys/trolls/toxic for following the rules of a game or making simple comments.

I find it hard to believe a 10 year old hung herself.

Kill yourself

You’re a god damn retard if you think they aren’t going to turn them back on, exactly the type of retard they want buying it now cuz “OMG THEY’RE LISTENING”

Get this 4chan tier garbage out of here. How pathetic is this site planning to become ?

Skies of Arcadia on GC (the port) has compressed/changed music, it’s not superior in any aspect.

Why is the title written by someone that appears to have the grammar skills of a 5th grade inner city kid.

No shit retard, it’s a console port from Bethesda.

She’s retarded.

Stop recommending hardware if you have no idea what you’re talking about. You need to research input lag on IPS displays due to significantly slower signal processing.

Stop recommending hardware if you have no idea what you’re talking about. You need to research input lag on IPS

Jesus Christ you are fucking retarded,

Or nintendo could give you MORE THAN 1 FUCKING SAVE SLOT.

I like how his opponent not only gave no shits, wasn’t a dick about it, but actually reacted humorously to it.

What the fuck is wrong with you ?

The most annoying reviewer here.