
You thinking that deference must be shown to the “good whites” shows your ignorance and is part of the problem.

my wife and kids

His sister just died and a douche went in on her ... totally ok response from her brother.

Outrage only when it suits. We know.

They aren’t going away. Engage them or guess you can sit in the corner and pout.

Hooray for Kara! Offended at everything is a lovely skill!

More white people hate Obama’s guts than the number of black people who exist in this country, you realize that right?


Oh it is real. Now whether you should take it seriously...

You worked for Murdoch and The Post for 10 years? Oh. Anything for a paycheck, eh?

How many accounts will this dealership post from?

Unfortunately, your “I know its from the pesticides” carries all the weight of the tissue you use to wipe your nose runs. Sorry.

His Mick Jagger, I guess we are to call it an “impersonation”, was stunningly awful.

Funny is subjective. Also, there is no need for you to lie. The audience laughs loud and often during his new standup. When you lie, you are a liar.

I disagree with you both. Dude is a grown man and didn’t want to go to their party and we still have that choice in 2017. Suckers will hate on someone for any reason.

engaging in prostitution within 1,000 feet of a church

And then someone threw that baby from the car on the way home.
