
Isn’t ignorance fun!

Ernie is gonna pray?!? I’m gonna go take a shit and I think we will have produced the same amount of good for the world.

Obama 2020!

Beck is quickly running out of money. He will have take a real job in the not too distant future.

Agreed! Why that commenter was making fun of the way this lady looks is something Trump people would do. So sad!

Nice! Personal attacks on her appearance! You are the real mvp!

3 years probation?!? Get the fuck out of here with that idiocy.

Good point! How many issues has Blue Bell had lately? Any prison time for those clowns? Nope!

I agree with you! If you ever give food to someone that isn’t you, in exchange for a dollar or a thank you, you should be sent to prison! I love America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

This is the dumbest thing I have ever read. Awful writing. Simply dreadful. I feel shame.

Whenever you open your mouth next. :)

With a link to your blog?

LOVE keyboard warriors calling folks out like this! How dare that guy not realize the red army wasn’t going to mow him down! What a scam!

I drove by 12 churches on a 5 mile stretch of road today. Damn these atheists and their saying words!

HAHA look at this douchebag. Not Weiner, the op here.

Because she isn’t you? And she has her own thoughts on the topic?

Your mom likes what she likes, so what is an asshole to do?

he’s the brother.