
This is some next-level GOOP shit right here.

Studies, doctors, scientists.... Pfftt. Who needs proven medical research when you have a reality tv star telling what to feed your kid?

Is it just me or does that bra not fit her correctly? It’s all I can see.

Day 418

logo posts when he can. he’ll be posting again today. come have fun with us! :)


Pick up the torch, Anna.

Gah. Breast milk and commercial formula are the only acceptable options. Period. This is the danger of overselling breastfeeding (look, I know breast is best, OK?)— it makes parents feel horrible about feeding their babies formula. A parent should never have to justify their reason for using formula. I’ve heard that

FUCK!!!!!!!! Why is this vapid woman back on your page? 500 days is over!!! Did you not read the comments about how much your readers hat this woman? No I didn’t read the article.

I am sometimes amazed that certain celebrities childern ever make it out of childhood when there is evidance that their parent hit so deep on the idiot scale.

What is with all the crazy pantses and the fucking maple syrup? I'm beginning to think I can tell who is a nutjob if they start talking about maple syrup.

Enjoying this 500 DOK flashback.... I was going to suggest adding snake oil but that would be redundant.

Funny you’d say that. Where I live, it’s just as much the politically ultraconservative people who make these arguments regarding vaccination and various DIY medical decisions.

Commercial formulas are some of the most highly regulated foods with strict nutritional standards that the companies have to meet for the FDA.

This is just more proof that stupid people don’t stop breeding.

Seriously she’s that bored living in LA she’s selling her fucking lifestyle. Such Dangerous advice. shut them up. Jenny McCarthy, every anti vac. Idiot. I wish they would have a good mushroom trip in the woods and realize how pointless this is. With so many causes to be passionate about I can't stand this shit.

Seems strange that for all her worries about the evils of cow’s milk in infant formulas, she steers her audience toward ... goat’s milk. You’d think that for all her crunchy healthiness in all things, her own (human) breast milk would be labeled as some sort of "superfood"on its own.

I have this sneaking suspicion that in twenty years she’ll be touting this same homemade goat’s milk baby formula as an effective treatment for CTE.

Kind of surprised she didn’t hire an organic, free-range, gluten-free wet nurse.