"Correction, the United States is the most violent first world nation." I don't use "first world" because i really don't like the expression, i really prefer "developed country", some say "western countries" but its not true also.
"Correction, the United States is the most violent first world nation." I don't use "first world" because i really don't like the expression, i really prefer "developed country", some say "western countries" but its not true also.
It's a joke man, i use the metric system, i don't even know what you said ( yes i could use a converter if i wanted) , in that context, if you brought it up, i assume big. May not be a brilliant joke, but not that difficult to understand.
I believe Portugese say "adeus". ;)
"So am I a dickhead for choosing to be fit? Or because I am tall?" Very pantiently i'll explain: you are a "d!ickhead" because of the reasons i explained before, you are a "massive d!ckhead" because of your massive heigh and weight. Got it?
"I am also very well practiced with firearms and own several if it ever came down to that." "I do not carry one." So what you do, smart educated engineer "if ever come to that"? You make use of your fantastic speed and run home to grab the guns?
So you are not afraid because you have a gun to protect you, i am not afraid because i don't need a gun to protect me. Can you see the difference Einstein? LOL
Obvously this last comment was not for you. I am sorry for the inconvenience. Please carry on living in fear and killing each other.
Thank you for your street life lessons, i am only 5 years old, always on the computer, so they were very important for me. Not all americans are equal, i know that, one fact remains, USA is the most violent developped country in the world. My comments were writen here, in this forum, if you read the history of that,…
i am sorry, i had to respond to one person, now you can have your last post, i promise.
Thank you for your street life lessons, i am only 5 years old, always on the computer, so they were very important for me. Not all americans are equal, i know that, one fact remains, USA is the most violent developped country in the world. My comments were writen here, in this forum, if you read the history of that,…
I am not writing a paper, it's a webz comment. live in fear and kill each other, i have no more fucXs to give to this whole situation.
i don't care anymore, live your life in fear and kill each others off. It's probably for the best.
"You tend to selectively focus on certain aspects of an argument" And most of you guys tend not to select arguments, but mixing everything.
"You are talking about a man trying to get away who isn't likely able to think completely straight due to fear clouding his mind." "I don't know his mental state." you sir are contradicting yourself.
You're funny.
And i am the dumbass. LOL
So you always follow the flock?
I don't base my rationality on the thoughs of others.