
Look riding on a ilegall bike, ilegall speeds as no relation with being violent towards another person. In what i see, before the driving over, they where a group of dickheads doing stupid things, only after that event they turn to a violent mob. My point is, after lien drove over the guy, he was pretty much fucXed,

You are already admiting that is judgement was clouded and, maybe, he didn't made the wisest decisions, that's a start, i think. That's exacly my point. Though guy, no, i only think everyone is exagerating the danger the family was in, and that everybody is trying to justify a prior action based on the respective and

I agree with you in everything, my provocation was exacly aimed to that guys, i am sorry for the colateral damage.

So, on the road, you are not as crazy as Russians. Congratulations.

I never asked for your respect, i have no use for it.

if he hadn't drove over a person, there wouldn't be a reason to drag him out of the car and beat him.

it is about a man failing to protect is family, it's about a man putting is family in more danger than they were.

So what are you suggesting, every country should invade another country? PAX AMERICANA is rotten, my friend.

"He could have slammed on his brakes in hopes of a biker running into him. He could have then put it in reverse." That's exactly my point, i've seen a lot of you suggesting that, saying they would do that. Do you fail to recognize that this would enrage the bikers more? Do you fail to recognize that driving over

"Or, they could have dragged him out anyways and beaten him senseless and/or cause permanent damage." so that happened AFTER he drove over a person, why in hell do you think this would happen before? You know before he increased the rage of the bikers?

You all pretend that if he hadn't run the bikers would rape his wife, eaten his son's liver, kill him, reanimate him, and kill him again. You all fail to ignore that driving a over a person, will, as shown, take the rage on level up, and as shown in the video was way less before that happened. He was trying to protect

"own twisted barnyard of a country." it was a response to that.

response 1: i would do what white van man in the video did. response2: i believe same as above

One thing is certain, the way he did it, and you defend, didn't work. That is certain.

unlike me, he was beaten. are you all idiots unable to see that is actions were to no sucess?

Yes you are right, the police bikers didn't arrested him, wich would be the correct behaviour form them, avoiding the beating. But, if you don't mind i leave you with a question: Had that happened, no beating in the end, would it be a good arrest, Lien should be prosecuted for driving over someone?

Do you feel better now that you let it out of your chest?

Well the thing is that, for me at least, is way far from reasonable, and he didn't managed to avoid it, wich he could easily have done, had he not drove over a person.

So you already eganged with me, a still didn't learn nothing, like the simple fact that lien was attacked AFTER he drove over a person. AFTER, do i have to repeat over and over?

I already responded to you, if you didn't understood, there's no need to repeat my self.