Fuck yes. I am loving the War of the Worlds meets Losers Club meets Goonies meets fuuuuuckkyeaaaahhh I’M SO EXCITED FOR THIS
Fuck yes. I am loving the War of the Worlds meets Losers Club meets Goonies meets fuuuuuckkyeaaaahhh I’M SO EXCITED FOR THIS
I am so fucking hype for this. Thank God it comes out after my midterms are over, otherwise I would get nothing done.
It creates a truly authentic NFL experience when the fans can get CTE as well.
I’m pretty shocked by this. Every time I think I can get a handle on how people behave at football games something like this comes along and just makes me second guess humanity. I’m just at an absolute loss.
lol u nerd
Well, if you’re living in an area with high state taxes (I live in NY) then the Republican tax plan may not be for you. I’d do the math to make sure your taxes are actually going down.
I work as a lawyer and get paid well. I’m all for my taxes going up slightly if it means a better society. I’ll be OK. If you’re rich, you’ll be OK if you pay slightly more money.
$250k is “not a LOT of fucking money.” If you want any meaningful tax reform, you need these people on your side. Calling them 1%s, which they’re not, and lumping them in with billionaires is not the way to go.
418k in what area of the country? 418k in Alabama is a lot different than 418k in Metro NYC
And the real culprit is the fact that earned income is taxed at a far higher rate than investment income is one of the true scams of the 20th and 21st century. Once you get enough to be able to live off investments, you essentially live in a 15% tax world for life.
God, Mnuchin is truly a detestable little twerp. He’s Millhouse to Trump’s Nelson Muntz
I may be going way out on a limb here, but I am not entirely sure this guy is qualified for this job.
From a New Yorker article:
Man it would be the most jets thing ever to end up having the OTHER New York team tank and get a high draft pick (AND I’M ALL FOR IT!)
This is the white question to be asking.
a 27-year-old guy in Vero Beach who was hospitalized with second- and third-degree burns
Sucks for Fox that we’re not a nation of immigrants who have allegiances to their ancestors’ origins
wall built to defend against mexico ends up hurting united states
Disrespect our flag and our country and this is how we’ll react.”
I’m someone who likes rough stuff and went to therapy in part because I felt like a freak because some men I was with told me I was broken/gross/not a real feminist. I struggled for years to deny the things I wanted, even though it comes from a place of fun and adventure, and I’ve had some very healthy, positive…