
“Th-th-the th-th-the th-th-that’s all, Folk.”

When Tampa was trying to make the 2nd touchdown, Romo said something along the lines of “you get this touchdown, then you gotta onside kick and get a field goal.”

Hey, shut up for a minute, speaking of Geostorm does anyone remember a disaster movie that was good/made money at the box office???

Lol, what does Buffet no about taxes and wealth. That loser is only like the third richest man in the world. If he was so smart, why isn‘t he number one?

I react to Yankees playoff momentum articles like I do Penguins playoff momentum articles:

Shut up. Shut UP. shutup. shutupshutupshutupSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP SHUT. UP.

Yeah maybe it’s because I am an asshole, but I fucking REVELED in the mass hand wringing about Bonds overtaking McGwire, who was obviously a fucking cheater to, just a nice white one so it was more OK...

KC chose to kneel at the two point attempt instead of going for the extra point as a sign of respect.

How timely.

“Also tucked into the bill, which was intended to loosen hunting restrictions and is heavily supported by the NRA, is the legalization of armor-piercing bullets, so long as they are marketed for “sporting purposes.” 

I emailed Little Marco Rubio. Fingers crossed on his response!


“This guy’s an evil loser, but maybe, I don’t know what, some have said he was a good guy maybe, I don’t know. I mean, he wasn’t a Radical Islamic Terrorist, at least, you know? A good guy, some have said, but became evil maybe, probably I think because of the negative media, I don’t know.” 

White men should be banned from buying guns. They don’t bring their best. They bring rapists, murderers but I assume some are good people. This is just until we know what’s going on! *screaming into the void*

Trump’s probably thrilled this happened because now he doesn’t have to deal with any of this Puerto Rico crap.

Hard to believe the Panthers are undefeated at 3-1.

Yes, those players knelt in prayer, and yes they were praying for unity and justice for all, but most of them are black, so it’s important to Trump supporters to boo them. Because they’re black.

One of the few times when the over/under in Vegas is obvious.

Let’s do a What’s Wrong With This Picture - flag ettiquite version - for everything above. How many violations of US Flag etiquette can we find among people who claim to care deeply about proper flag etiquette. I’ll Start!

I have no issues with these fans burning their jerseys as long as they are wearing them at the time.