NPR had a item on potential unintended consquences of the tax bill this morning. This site should start tracking all the ways working americans are being hurt by this.
NPR had a item on potential unintended consquences of the tax bill this morning. This site should start tracking all the ways working americans are being hurt by this.
Now Now, there are good rapists on both sides of the aisle.
Quick boring story, I took my daughters to see Waitress on Broadway. The male lead looked almost exactly like Paul Ryan. When he was signing my daughters Playbills I actually was getting angry and had to prevent myself from punching this actor in the face. Almost no one gets my blood boiling like Ryan. What an…
You have no idea how much these things cost to replace do you?
Going out on a limb here, how about we blame the injuries to top players vs. protests. Or the performance of many teams in the leading population centers? As a Giants fan (insert joke here), they are awful this year. I stopped watching football as soon as they were out of it (basically when OBJ went down).
Early this year chicken wing prices were through the roof and they were raking it in as supply was low. Read the first article if you are bored.
On opening night of TFA, we had picture and sound issues. Thankfully they fixed it and restarted the first 10 minutes of the movie for us. Thankfully, No Bothans died during the disruption.
Long term I feel like these struggling blue collar towns that rely on manufacturing, coal, natural gas etc. have voted to kill themselves and their families.
poor reading comprehension day - my bad.
Pretty sure the white guys are not the ones winning them games...
and CT....
Carpe Diem Kate
My dad told me the same thing when I graduated from college. He didn’t drop the f bomb but the message was the same.
This was a NE brewery town, so I didn’t experience that, YMMV.
But but, DEMOCRATS. But but, union members. But but not rich.
“The worst people like golf, the worst pastime. There is a certain stereotype of golfers: lazy, wealthy, loud men in ugly clothing—Republicans. This stereotype is accurate.”
Grew up working at a public course, less than $25 bucks for 18 holes. Most players were blue collar men and women who worked at the local brewery. Awesome people. Can confirm many golfers are the best humanity has to offer.