I have many friends who currently or used to work there including my current neighbor. They usually get a memo/email when there are protestors reminding them not to engage or talk to anyone.
“I am sincerely sorry for providing a product the NFL fans want to see and not allowing my masters to monetize and profit from it...”
Better throwing motion than Philip Rivers, that is for sure.
and this made my day - that is one near perfect episode
There is this song I heard where the guy is cheating on a girl and she destroys his pickup truck. I am not sure which person should be punished more in the eyes of their southern white god (and their southern white god is apparently very different from my northern white god, who knew?) .
20 minutes? He is a God! Or so my wife would say...
Participation Trophies are only used to keep trophy manufacturers in business. It really was the greatest marketing ploy of all time by the trophy manufacturer lobby. “Hey parents, lets start building that trophy collection early for your kids. Sure they finished last but I am sure he will win something at some…
I was in a version by Kohler that had a screen on the ceiling and you could adjust it to tons of settings like cloudy days, sunny weather, evening or rainbow and a dance party. Loved it
Did the same things with bottle rockets from the trees as friends rode by on their bikes. Hilarious reactions when they exploded near our friends. never caused a FF thank god.
My friends and I filled a bunch of cans of gas when we were in high school and went to a deserted/blocked off road with overhanging trees and poured a very very long line of gas down the center of the road with a big pool of gas at one end.
The removal of special cases from these bills is frightening as well. A friend had to abort at 7.5-8.0 months when it was discovered the fetus had severe issues and some of the brain was developing outside the skull. The baby would not have lived for more than a few minutes after birth.
He was waiting for Brett Favre to come in and call an audible for him
Its too bad this is an uncool column because I have had mostly good experiences with the famous/well known people I have met but some interesting stories as well.
“Murica” has now become a fly over country to Canadians on their way to Cuba and warmer climates. Thanks Don, thanks....