
“Honey do you want to have sex tonight?” he asked gazing lustily at his life partner. “Not really, but I can give you a hand job if you need a release. It has been a busy day with the kids and I have not showered”. He took moment to consider his options. “I’ll take the handy if its not too much trouble.” He grabbed

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I have the answer, the NFL has to steal the 6 flags motto, more flags = more fun, maybe “america” will buy it...

Man did I have a great time at the Detroit-Vikings game with my son on Thanksgiving. We don’t live in Detroit but on our visit to the in laws we have made it a nice little tradition to leave for the day and show up right when food is being served (nice in law visit tip btw) Did you see the end of the game? It was

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This is one of my all time favorite scenes and it reminds me of a group of people who voted a “certain way” this election...

After failing to check his chart before taking the phone call, President Elect Trump was forced to call the Prime Minister back to tell him we are no longer allies.

Trump Campaign: Come on in everyone! I am draining all of the the muck, greed and corruption from Washington. It will be great now, jump in for new wealth and happiness for all. Trust me!

Is it still illegal to park next to a fire hydrant, even if your car is on fire? 

If Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton had a child, what current or past political figure do you think the child would be like the most?

Have you looked at the new Tax Plan and figured out how much you are going to save if its passed?

In other news, Leo DiCaprio just changed the name of his group of friends to the “Beaver Bunch”.

Peering into my crystal ball over the next 18 months:

This was Last Halloween and I was so pissed. It fell on a carpet where it is impossible to sweep or vacuum. It was hand to hand combat....

Not sure if you watched this season but it has been very good. I think if you do they pretty much nail the underlying theme of why Trump is so popular. Member berries anyone?

It really does not go on for many. While those that fit “in” will be fine others are not. In one of the schools in my town in CT today some kids told a black kid and a brazilian kid that now that Trump is president they should pack up because they are going home. This goes way beyond kids will be kids, Trump has

They will find a new one soon enough to show off.

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This is just not a good omen for the Queen...