
You don’t order a sandwich and expect to get a hot dog.

Who needs hacky jokes from old farts like Ricky Gervais and Dave Chappelle to satirize “wokeness” when we can rely on Jezebel and the Root to periodically give us insane little nuggets like this article?

“Plus, “Part IV” shows Moses Ingram slowly emerging as the MVP of the series”

I forgot to add in my first post-the stray observations listed things Natalie’s assistant was doing, but stopped before it got to the funniest joke of the night to me: When they are standing in front of the elevator and Natalie looks at her and goes “Ding” and makes her press the button to call the elevator even

There are no real emotional triggers, merely people who have trouble handling their emotions. That is what the reality really is...regarding being “triggered”.

and they’d be right.

Sounds like a good time. Maybe AV Club and their audience needs to grow a thicker foreskin. And I look forward to the immature responses I’m going to get, just like the comment section on Facebook of trolls for attacking someone with an opinion that isn’t theirs. Too bad they aren’t as brave as in person...

“Eh, she was deceptive!”

How much more back could they be? The answer is “None.” None more back.

The woman is Keke Palmer, she basically outed herself in an Instagram post she did. I can’t think of one well intended, not being purposely malicious, joke that would cause me to complain so hard a movie would shutdown. People have a right to be offended by whatever, but the continued scarlet lettering in the media is

seen as too-little-too-late —> seen as too little too late

It insists upon itself.

“…modern life in America is a waking nightmare horror still for all ethnicities but absent-mindedly entitled and oblivious white people who almost never have to fear for their lives at a traffic stop or in their own homes behind locked doors (and even unlocked as in the case of the Dallas policewoman shooting and

In your defense, there might have been a Cars and Coffee nearby.

The tone of this post sucks. Fuck off, man. 

You know, it occurs to me that if you don’t think that a celebrity’s response to something is particularly noteworthy, then you have the option to simply NOT REPORT ON IT. This weird sort of unearned condescending snark may be Barsanti's trademark, but I'll be damned if I can understand why it's something that the GMG

Jalopnik: We hate people with money, cars, trucks and EVs But we love brown stickshift wagons, reposting 7 year old posts and slideshows.

Go Bean Dip! 

shall tune in for Aya Cash regardless.