
E.T. ‘caused a real commotion’ was the apex of Holtiness.

Neutral tone pants

I wouldn’t go all the way to ‘pissed off’ yet, but I’m firmly in the realm of imagining myself pulling a Jean-Ralphio and getting uncomfortably close and whispering ‘THE WOOOOORST’ in his ear as he chides everyone.

find’ a stranger. . . ;)

I haven’t kept a running tab, but it wouldn’t surprise me if the answer wasn’t Lebowski.

Marilyn Hack deserved an Academy Award. . .

Seemed to open quite a bit in the second episode. Adding the [grand]parents, and casting them brilliantly, refined the narratives. Martin’s character is still a snippy, cursey, malcontent, but they started filling in his motivations.

garçon means boy.

It’s SAY-chim, not Sah-CHUM.

I swear that ‘you know I just found out I might have a kid’ line was appropriated from somewhere, but I can’t for the life of my recall where.

Seems like a weiss choice.

Is it overthinking to think the number of chimneys bit was a writer’s room reference to Howard Stern’s move to The Hamptons?

It’s 15 great tastes all rolled into one!!

I just thought you’d like to hear it from me, face to face, so there’s no great mystery.

It seemed pretty clear to me that the clog was from the crazy 50% off crew buying 10 packets at once. That stashhouse Sally would be one smart cookie to see that order as an opportunity to clog the pipe and set things in motion. More likely she was just too dull to think ahead and drop the packets 1-2 at a time.

Does SBR’s count, if it’s a COMPONENT in my pick? Red Robin Campfire Sauce, which is basically SBR’s and Mayo kicked up a little with some garlic powder and chipotle.

Does SBR’s count, if it’s a COMPONENT in my pick? Red Robin Campfire Sauce, which is basically SBR’s and Mayo kicked

Valentina Extra Hot was one of the most pleasant relatively recent surprises for me in the area of picante/heat. And the reasons are exactly as you say, very flavorful, but still manages to pack a kick.  Yet it somehow manages to refrain from being overpoweringly hot if you happen to put a little too much on.  Just a

Valentina Extra Hot was one of the most pleasant relatively recent surprises for me in the area of picante/heat. And

Albert Fish? I mean that guy was a real jerk . . . .

That ending is what you get when you feed your cardiologist Beef-a-Reeno