
Can’t be happenstance, this particular episode airing the week after the Oscars?

Played unlikable, or can be unlikable?

“lunch with Richard Lewis, who goes to such extreme measures to pay for their meals that he gets to the designated restaurant (here, a Spanish restaurant called Zaragoza).”


Sometimes there’s a man, . . . well, he’s the man for his time and place.

I thought they were going somewhere unexpected and pointed with the test of Tahani, once Vicky took over. The sadistic allure of bettering humans by manipulating how pointedly and focusedly worse they can make other humans. Whether demons would warm to the task of testing living humans by guiding them into distress.

Noises Off!!  The sitcom.

Kawokian monkey-lizard, . . . it’s what’s for dinner.

Now playing

In the words of Highlander, there can only be one.

Speaking of evolution of announcing tics, does anyone have a timeline on the use of ‘bell cow’ every time a RB carries more than 5x a game?

If do correctly, no can defense.

That last iteration of TGA with Fitchner etal might have been the most glaring example of a venue killing a show.

[aside] tell me, who wears the pants ‘round here, H.I.?

‘Shut up and convolute’

Why, even given the end result, did they go the ‘AC Cobra’ route? They’re 99% to a ‘re-imagining’ of the BMW 507 on the modern Z-3 chassis. Not much different car, much cooler ‘provenance’ and much more marketable to have a BMW that’s ‘retro-styled to a prior classic’ than one that ‘kind of looks like a Ford.’

It was a little unsettling back when American Housewife premiered to think ‘this little kid is already too talented for a network sitcom.’

ANOTHER one? Does his penis like naturally secrete cocaine or something?

I can’t vouch for the build quality, or the ‘Alexa-ness’ of the Amzon unit, but I’ve had a Kenmore Elite microwave/convection combo for years and it’s one of my favorite appliances. In one form factor you can decide what kind of cooking is best for your application and time frame. Microwave it if you want it hot fast,

Plus, Aldi, Lidl and Ruler Foods stabilized their own quality control at much lower prices, and consumers figured that out.

Over time I realized that my mood is as tied to dairy levels as most people are to their caffeine or sugar. Go too long without a nice glass of milk and my entire abdomen goes acidic and tries to escape up through my esophagus.