
Is this where we bust out the ‘you knew what it was when you clicked’ derision that was so popular when the mandate came down that every AVC article have a political angle?

‘Actually, I’d like to TOUCH!!’

Made of sterner stuff than I. Unable to avert my eyes when Gretchen or Lindsay ‘sexy’ anything, no matter the inappropriateness of context.

Speaking of ‘over Grey’s Anatomy credits’ music, this week’s GA had opening music that’s the current champion of unearned irritation. That Peter Bjorn and John song ALWAYS reminds me of that SNL skit about Kimmel, Sanz, and Armisen in a Christmas music keyboard band.

Trying to find room for an opportunity for every team in the league to be the sole focus of NFL fan attention.

Maybe when we figure out whether HamNo and Harriot and Co. are just corporate siblings or if they exercise directional control.

Listen, I’m cooperating here.

This is EXACTLY what they want, partly for the page clicks, partly for the partisan hatred and division.

Hillary lost because she’s Hillary. We’re stuck with President Tang because the Democrat message about every Republican since Lincoln has been demagoguing in the vein of the illustrious return the screw here [they’re evil and deserve nothing but death]. PrezTang won the primary and the general because he seized upon

Whhhhooooaaaa, look at all that alcohol!!

What a misogynist twerp. You’re the one who based your criticism on the utterly unfounded assumption that I’m ill-informed and lack introspection due to lack of exposure to solid journalism.

I would ask if you are referring to The Post the Washington DC newspaper or The Post the Speilberg blockbuster if I weren’t so fearful of irony poisoning.

“The Post looks, indeed, pretty necessary.”

Speaking of addiction, addiction to your narratives and addiction to your resentments seemed to fuel this downgrade.

“(classic “Hey, it’s that guy” Sam McMurray)“

ROFL ROFL [Updated]!!

Larry’s 1,000-mile stare when he first sat down in the middle seat was the kicker.

Get it, got it, memorized the memo.

Garlic butter isn’t for the pizza. It’s for the ‘trash pizza handles’ some call pizza crust.

Spisstachio. . . . That is all.