
A great performance, also the moment the concept of armpit froth became real.

one man in his time plays many parts

I find it an interesting fine line the writers are playing with Frankie. Sure she’s being aggressively provocative with Sam, but the execution shows that it comes from a place of investment and with a sense of playfulness. Maybe I’m imprinting a bit of my own family dynamics where we’re ‘mean’ with each other because


Gritty and Greek, . . . may cause skin irritation.

And if you’re feeling particularly charitable to Seth, he’s kind of sticking his neck out to say ‘yeah, I kind of accused you. If I’m full of shit, sue me for slander’

Loved her in Jungle Fever. The scene when she returned home to discover her dad knew who she was dating [set to Stevie Wonder] was some of the most impactful cinema that never got any attention of its time.

I always knew by the way she referred to them as ‘my gays’ that she would never let them far of her plantation.

Bevers’ ‘Am I allowed to act like that?’ is the hardest laugh in a while.

His befuddled look following Kate’s ‘don’t put your hopes on this’ speech was my favorite part of the episode. Perfectly synthesized the soup of emotions of the moment.

Jerri Blank takes Home-Ec!!

Love spicy food, hate spicy drinks. Don’t have a lot of food hangups but savory and spicy in liquid form is one of them. Bloody Mary, chili beer, real ginger ale. I even prefer creamy or chunky soups to thin savory ones. Give me a clam chowder or baked potato soup, and leave tomato or minestrone be.

Few things I’m so diametric on under the same term as sauerkraut.

If only she’d listened to her own Blue Apron plugs on her podcast.

“just for Larry’s corny (and not particularly funny) questions about genital surgery.”

At least his eyebrows are finally coming back in nicely.

And Leon’s getting laaaarger

ROFL - Korl, never not funny

Jeff’s open house coital WOOOOO!!! will haunt my days.

Tebow beat my Chiefs with half that many.