
Came here for exactly this. Used to give Capital tours and had a whole handbook on the Thomas Hart Benton murals in the Senate Lounge

The two big misses were Rogers and Dalton. A case could be made for Russell Wilson, maaaaaybe Carr.

If you don’t care about the difference between ignorance or racism;

Just gonna leave this here

No, because viewpoints and experiences are subjective.

Gordon adjusts, shoves the neighbor’s garage door to the back of the endzone, Touchdown!!

[Palm to forehead] NOW I get it!!

My story is not so forgiving. A kid in the neighborhood loosened my front wheel out of malice. Kids on the block were proto-BMXing with a wood ramp in the street. I jumped, the wheel came off, my fork dug in, and I landed chin-first. 12 stitches to get my chin back off my Adam’s apple.

Oh, you are soo bad.

They heated it at ludicrous speed.

“bares your name”

That’s because some have made it a loaded question.

Exactly, precisely, what I came here for.

Keep looking over my shoulder for Darth Vader in a Tie Fighter.

Tres Commas!!

Still have mine, hadn’t used it for years [since I got the Ipod Touch]. Was cleaning up and turned it on, LiON battery still fully charged. Plays fine.

I’m not going to Reimann you guys again not to make puns.

It’s a great commuter car for someone who wants pep, fuel efficiency, and the ability to zip into small parking with elan.

“What are you fighting for’