
Archimedes, folks

It’s odd that she would take a stand, and people would be passionately defending her mental acuity, to say something as bland and generic as ‘He has a big ego and I don’t want to think about him being president’ We could have gotten that incisive insight from Snookie or Steve-O. Heck of a way to recuse oneself from

All deep in this!!

Jerry at his most irritating is his treatment of money. He’s well on his way to or already a billionaire, and he’s like ‘I don’t know, it’s weird. I hand people pieces of paper and they give me things. It’s illogical.’

Nah, funny is just a byproduct of being around funny people. It’s about people with a common career shooting the shit over breakfast drinks [or burgers and shakes]. It’s very much of the time of podcasting.

The finale had the opposite problem. Great concept. Clunky execution.

One niggling thing that always bothered me about Seinfeld the show.

The Patriots can’t even leave the fans of other teams decent snark on players that disappoint them.

Damn it Rickon!!

When did Ann Coulter and Ed Helms start dating?

I honestly can’t tell if you mean cream for your foot, or cream from your foot.

You mean 1971, the 2OT divisional playoff? It was played X-mas day in the new Arrowhead.

First pro sports thing of any type - Terry Bradshaw on my first cover of Boy’s Life [Cub/Boy Scout magazine], November 1979.

It would be interesting to coordinate an age to an awareness.

What’s grown got to do with anything? Benedict Arnold was a grown man. ROFL

Dunno, ginger todger seems ripe for mirth.

One ma. . . person’s, . . . ‘flat’ is another’s dry or wry.

Every time I see him I picture Jackie Stewart getting really baked and turning into Joe Walsh.