
Gingrich attacked him over that?

1. Clinton self-selected what portion of her emails the government deserved to receive. That’s different from ‘turning over her emails.’

That’s twice you’ve directly insulted my intelligence, . . . without having any idea what you are talking about yourself.

And you’ve concluded, by your own words, that political agendas trump competence, transparency or diligence.

You can look at the continued vehement defenses and ask that?

I’m not trying to find anything. I’m taking a sober look at what actually occurred. Nobody asked Hillary to do any of this, and certainly no one looking to hook her into unwitting incompetence. This was her initiative to display her incompetence sua sponte.

Molly, along with a whole string of ‘designer drugs’ was a reformulation, of ecstasy tailored to circumvent prohibitions on ecstasy itself.

Attack who for what now?

‘Broke no current law’ is the equivalent of saying ‘she didn’t deal ecstasy, it was molly.’

‘Until recently?’ You say that like widespread use of email communication has been around for 100s of years. Albright and Rice are on record as not using it in their government functions. Powell did, and that would be a larger headache to deal with at present if;

Love this game of chicken the Clintons play ‘how much obscure, confusing, and convoluted shit can we get away with and blame it on our detractors’ hypersensitivity.’

She reminds me of if Jillian Barberie was a gymnast. Same facial features, hair, and curves, in a more compact and athletic frame.

Is your argument that the world is racist, . . . or that marketers are incompetent?

Even the principle as revised and interpreted is flawed. Most every really nice thing I own, I got on sale. Is a Cuisinart Coffeemaker worth $150? No. Is it higher quality machine than the $20 Proctor Silex you can get at every WalMart and Dollar General? Yes. So I suffered for a moment or two with a chintzy, fragile

Yes, these are a treasure trove of lost episodes, but are we sure them little assholes are through?

Todd Collins had 16 years in the NFL. Started in 4 games in his final 10.

Does the term phobia have any meaning at all anymore?

74 needs to take a page from Floyd Mayweather’s book.

Amazing bicycle block!!

To me, it’s in the vein of the Budweiser Frogs commercial. Everyone knows what Budweiser is, how good or bad it is, and who’s going to consume it. But the ad, having nothing to do with the merits of the product, raised attention and kept the product in the mind of the public.