
I eat because I’m unhappy, . . . and I’m unhappy because I eat.

His running ability was AN asset, not his SOLE asset. He’s no Tebow college prodigy with bad mechanics.

At this point, Chiefs fandom is a lonely island of morose confusion. They’ve tried just about every way possible to come up just short. There was the decade of championship level defense with not quite enough offense for the playoffs. It was followed immediately by historically great offense with equally abysmal

They weren’t Big 8, joined the conference when it became Big 12. Big 8 members were NU, OU, NU, MU, KU. KSU, ISU and OSU.

But what was it called back then? I just know KU was called Kansas State University early in its existence. Perhaps I should have been more clear with ‘before Manhattan,’ where I meant before KSU in Manhattan assumed the name.

I’m sure he knows, just as I’m sure he’s still that pissed that Pioli ever came to KC in the first place.

your and idiot

There’s the old midwest/Big 8 convention, NU, OU, NU, MU, KU.

Pinky dancing at her wedding is one of the most beguiling sequences in cinema, . . . well cinema I’ve seen. I’m sure there are a billion Bollywood romances that have wedding sequences done just as artfully or better. But something about her eyes.

‘The baseball rule’ here refers to a case where someone was not paying attention while a Royals mascot was shooting hotdogs into the stands from the field with a hotdog/tshirt cannon.

As a Chiefs fan, I’ve trundled through great D with anemic O, amazing O with horrendous D, and now a decade of meh all around. Though many will disagree 90s D was the most fun to watch.

Now playing

For me, growing up Dolly’s voice was just plain part of the air, along with Loretty, Conway, Patsy, Statlers and Oak Ridge Boys. Mom ruled the HiFi with an iron fist.

No. It’s not the coffee. Your body wants the coffee. It isn’t the coffee.

The ‘baseball rule’ is distinguishable because at the stadium, your primary endeavor is to enjoy the on field entertainment, and the tossing of hotdogs into the crowd is part of that primary endeavor. That is, there is no intervening purpose at a ballgame that completely excuses you from paying attention to what is

Joe Philbin: Aaaand that’s what you’re gonna get lad, the strongest team in the AFCE.

I have been experiencing to problems I hadn’t before since upgrading.

When I think of Chris purely as a scene stealer, I think of him in the teen girls eating lunch and gossiping sketch, where he keeps stealing fries off other people’s plates, then snarls ‘LAY OFF!!!’ when called on it.

“Hey! Is that John Candy?”

Holy Schnikes is and has been my go to exclamation forever when I want to express wonder in a profanity free zone, be it speaking or typing.

Damn, should have read down.