
"stainless steel" is a blanket term for many different grades. You could easily coat a large piece of steel in a small amount of very high grade stainless steel - magnets would still attract to it, and no rust.

No I am not aware either. But the stuff that ISN'T buggy looks so much better than what else is out there, that they get a pass. But they are far from doing a good job overall. Bugs + Features = Better than what else is out there in this genre. But does not excuse the bugs.

Huh? They are for sale all over the place. A lot of the places that are sold out have just stopped keeping it in inventory because it was such a bad seller.

The LAST thing I need is any excuse to get sucked back into EVE, but.... yes, I also intensely want this game not to suck.

*pssst* you're not the only one who's used a Playbook... lots of us know it's crap from actually using one.

Besthesda is a manifestation of the tallest pygmy theory. They may be crap at making stuff work, but no one else is doing it better.

Yeah my Skyrim just started barfing on me. Rebooting seems to fix it, but it's a little embarrassing that such a closed system can suffer performance leaks this easily. Skyrim is on a knife's edge in how much it renders already. Every 5% hit to the processor shows up in lost frames immediately.

The scope is a fallacy though. Skyrim just has more "stuff", not "stuff with more depth". The fundamental interaction is stupid simple at this point. The only thing a PC gets you is nicer graphics (and a mouse!). A save file bug causing lag is not an excuse to go drop 1-2K on a PC gaming system.

Victory is victory. There are casualties. If Adobe didn't never wants to fire anyone, they should have had them working on something more productive.

You do not appear to be equipped to safely navigate the internet. Stay indoors and off the computer, and you shouldn't be a risk to anyone.

You do not appear to be equipped to safely navigate the internet. Stay indoors and off the computer, and you shouldn't be a risk to anyone.

You should try different brands and inserts. I ended up going with Shure rubber inserts and they are very comfortable. It is tight in your ear, for sure, but I wear them for hours straight sometimes and it's not a problem.

I've tried his wine, it is absolutely fucking TERRIBLE. We poured the $25 bottle down the sink.

@ninj4d: No, you're not the only one. I would not want to be in this industry. Every demo is just "well, it can do the other 1000 things that every phone has been doing for years".

Nice idea but WP7 won't actually do this thing, so who cares?

What is this? I don't even...

I don't understand the point. I haven't used google's front page to make a search in years. I use the search box inside m browser. Why would I bother going the extra step of going to google's page?

@I dont try to start arguements, really I don't: They are still pretty zippy on 3.1.3 actually. Chugs on big things, but the UI is pretty pleasant to use. Gave mine to my mom when I got the 4, and it is very useable for her.

@rswarr: +10. 4.0 was useless on my 3G so the comparison means nothing, but going back to 3.1.3 was amazing.

@schall129: You're right, I shouldnt give it too much credit. Maybe I'll put mine through one last marathon and see how bad I can beat it up before it croaks...