

This is NOT about "politics." Who gives a fuck about politics?

I seriously cried over the the burning of that little girl. Was it REALLY necessary? It's the same thing with the rape…it's starting to get to the point where I'm feeling like watching this show is like watching the mainstream news that chooses to highlight violent crime even though the greatest number of felony

TBH, I'm not sure. I hope he would. :- / There were ALWAYS some white people who truly weren't racist in every era. And I don't mean people who knew that the status quo was [and still is] wrong, but white people who truly weren't racist. I mean there were racist white abolitionists, and racist white civil rights

Oh of course. But that's white supremacy for you. There may be class issues, regionalism, and ethnocentrism amongst different groups of white people, but nothing that a less privileged white person does is really considered as inferior as ANY part of black American culture. The number one thing that comes to mind is

LOL, you're welcome girl. As I said, I simply refuse to mince words when it comes to racism. People need to be grown ups and call it what it is as opposed to equivocating it away. And my tolerance for willfully ignorant white people or white-identifying people of color who refuse to get it is at less than zero—meaning


Yep. You completely hit the nail on the head.

Yea, I like the Vox review better. It was more insightful and reflective.

No that kind of passive aggressive racism is more common NOW, except that kind of behavior is referred to as a racial microaggression. More blatant racism was common during that time. I'm not sure how race relations aren't a fit for the show's subject matter when we consider that black women were legally being

And class is racially charged. This *IS* America. Libby used her racial caste standing and her socioeconomic class standing to belittle Coral. It was racist. You can call it petty racism if you want to, as long as you call it like it is. I don't mince words when it comes to pointing out whether or not something is

That scene where Libby "corrected" Coral was the perfect example of passive aggressive racism. It was like watching a scene out of the"The Help", but more realistic. Perfect example of why there were no real "mammies" that just "loved" their white families. I suspect it's the same with Hispanic women who are forced to

Adriana's and Tracee's deaths fucked with my head for days afterwards. It was really a struggle to continue watching the show after seeing them both brutally exploited, physically abused, and then callously murdered by men they cared for and were in love with. And as a woman, I have to say I LOVED Adriana's personal

Tony Soprano, the murdering bastard of a sociopath is awesome and Carmella is a miserable hag? Tony who purposely antagonized his sister Janice after she took anger management because he couldn't stand to see her handling things calmly and not miserable? And he totally made Bobby kill someone out of the