MmmBOP Aesthetic

I can’t figure out which is more racist: that Roseanne called Valerie Jarret a lil monkey via Planet of The Apes reference or that Planet of The Apes not only still exists but was recently remade.

Naked Lunch was a childish try-too-hard attempt at edge that ended up just being disgusting. Burroughs is a perverted creepy heroin addict that considers shock taboo a talent. It’s not, Will. You’re just a gross human. Were, rather. LOL.

Ha! Look at his cute little beard! Combine that with his fake baritone and you’ve got a grade-A Lebron ripoff artist. Funny thing is he’s better than Lebron, so why not be your own man Steph?

It’s crazy that people think just assume he was talking about Jews. Jews are only 2% of the population and own maybe 1.5% of the capital.

I sometimes use the women’s restroom at our local public park and can confirm this. They are not what guys think they are. The ones at the mall are especially gross too.

Neither is Kramer. He a racist.

I can’t believe Roseanne called Wanda Sykes a monkey from Planet of The Apes. That is just out of bounds.

No, I’m just saying that I thought it was a Kuwaiti name. I know quite a few people from Kuwait and several of them share her last name. Maybe my Kuwaiti friends are of Iranian descent? It would be interesting to know how many people have immigrated to Kuwait from Iran since the Islamic Revolution. Considering Kuwait

Someone should tell the guy second from the left in the jean shirt that smoking is no longer cool.

TFW your not the superstar in the bigs you was in college.

Shahidi is a Kuwaiti name if I’m not mistaken.

I’ve been saying this for years. I own a 2006 Toyota Corolla S and it still moves just like when it was a young pup. 142k miles now. Honestly, I think I’ll keep it forever.

This is a big reason why college is so expensive now but I believe it’s worth it. Having professional-grade entertainment like NCAA sports is a truly unique experience that you will never have again. I believe the players should get paid something, at least a stipend to cover meals on the road or whatever, but they

Anyone else get the feeling that Ivanka desperately wants to be the first female POTUS? She has no chance of that but it’s pretty clear she’s trying to play that hand.

Yep, and that’s why so many former addicts become spicy food nuts. This is especially applicable to the craft beer nerds too. They claim they aren’t alcoholics but they are. They just consume their poison under the guise of appreciation. They are all alcoholics, and now you will notice they all love spicy food.

Hands down one of the smartest tweets I’ve come across. Whoever does that LOLGOP account is brilliant. I imagine it’s some Harvard professor locked away in her cove just sticking it to those right wingers all day. More proof we are the party of smart people and the right wingers are dumb. How will they every compete?

It wasn’t wear the hit occurred that is the issue here. The issue was the violence with which it was delivered. Violence that is being impressed as something other than horrific and inhumane to the kids watching. That’s the problem, officiating be damned. Hockey needs a top to bottom revision. Violence is not ok.

Funny new study I read this weekend polled Trump voters on why they voted for him and the #1 answer was “For the LOLs.”

Kinda cute honestly.

Exact same thing happened to Gawker.