
Pretty solid, Bryan. Maybe add something about how they do lots of volunteer work carrying little old ladies out of burning buildings?

Can we start doing a little contest where we predict exactly what these inevitable "apologies" will say before they're released? Winner gets a bucket full of the apologists' tears or something. I'll start:

I'm an atheist. This is not a defensive comment because I feel attacked. This is a reminder that the faith of others is complex, multifaceted, both personal and political, and is intertwined in many different ways with a person's life. It's never as simple as "the church says birth control is a sin and I don't believe

I would say that a lot of religious ladies are for free birth control because they are against abortions and understand causation.

There's a reason that some women get their hackles up about their boyfriends being friends with women. That's because dudes are always cheating. Being cheated on is one of the 26 tolls that you pay when you date men.

This person may be an MRA, but there are some good points in the rant. White middle class Canadian women are, as a group, much better off than Aboriginals in Canada. (I gather we do have it better than women in the USA on a number of measures, from some of the awful news that gets posted here.) Recently, Native

Fun fact: Anybody who writes or utters the phrase "I want the purity of my daughters protected" in regards to a bra commercial is going to be a grandparent at 35.

For some reason I'm getting such a kick out of the lady complaining that the missy elliot lyrics contained vulgar words and then labeled links to the lyrics as "NSFW" ignoring the fact that she typed said apparently vulgar words including "shit", "cock" and "pussy" into her email.

For me, it's looking back at who I've loved previously. H-O-L-Y-S-H-I-T am I happy none of that worked out.

"Not clear. The normal shade of fucking tea."

"Isn't this unspeakably offensive on so many levels? Like, first of all, the idea that white people can and should pat themselves on the back for stating their opinions about race, even though it's actually so much more important to listen than to talk? And, second of all, Howard Schultz's attempt to capitalize on an

Very good point! They also like to put them in places with thriving indie coffee places with the intention of pushing them out. Ugh Starbucks.

I think this sums it up. Self-congratulatory and clueless.

youtube comments coming to life. Truly my worst nightmare.

That's my biggest takeaway. Like, how cute that he thinks this will go well. Godspeed, sir.

So I don't know if this has happened to anyone else, but every time I fly Air Canada and ask for a tea, the flight attendant, upon hearing I want it "black," will answer back "so you'd like it clear?" As if they all attended a seminar in which they were told to avoid the term "black" when serving hot beverages. I

Nothing will top the Murder House. Absolutely brilliant AHS season.

I looked up your dad's condition and ouch! :(

For reference:

Aww, thank you. I'm sorry to hear that your dad suffers with so many issues. Never heard of the last one; I'm off to Google...