This is a story of how one of the worst days of my life ended up reaffirming my faith in strangers and in the human race in general.
This is a story of how one of the worst days of my life ended up reaffirming my faith in strangers and in the human race in general.
Gawd, I knew I would find this in the comments. The fact that it's feminists who are criticizing him the most proves that, once again, feminists are feminism's worst enemies. We say we want allies but I guess by "allies", we mean "silent masochistic punching bags". It's kinda sad when you're just as disgusted by the…
Inserting my cat's name into songs that I'm singing along to. "All The Scouty ladies! All the Scouty ladies!" "My Scoutaconda don't want none unless you got buns, hun!" "Last Scout. Last Scout. For Scooooout." And since Kate Bush was mentioned, "Running up that Scout! Running up that Scooooout. With no Scoutleemmms"
do you inspect the hell out of your Biore strips, sometimes with reading glasses?
*See Also: Biore Pore Strips
Oh, the joys of solitary smoking. I haven't had one in twenty years. I used to start the day by making a double espresso on the stove and smoking a cig. It was glorious. Smoking while driving alone, smoking while talking on the phone, smoking while playing guitar, smoking while sitting on your front steps and…
I wanted to find a gif of every line but I couldn't!! The whole thing is fucking fantastic.
It's fucking ridiculous how little was taught in high school even 10 years ago (and probably still today in many places). I mean, I grew up with many people in my community that were descendants of the internment camp survivors and I had no idea about that until I was an adult. It's an embarrassment. But, at least…
I think these assholes are about to feel like shit hitting a fan though; in the context of current Canadian politics and specifically FNC issues this will draw boycotts and condemnation.
On such a massive scale. I mean we have a Prime Minister that delivers an apology for the atrocities of the "past" in regards to residential schools (even though we are only a single generation removed from their existence) and can turn around and claim to the world that Canada's never committed any human rights…
There are over 2,000 murdered and missing Aboriginal women/girls and no-one really cares due to racism.
There is enough of the population that doesn't care to make it OK (to them) for Harper to say that and stay in power.
This is kind of true. And unfortunately, a lot the people who actually give a shit about this conversation live in big cities in the eastern half of the country ... where racism against First Nations isn't as prevalent.
So true. 2 soldiers are killed and we have a law within months to curb our rights and "fight terror" but 2000 missing or murdered First Nations women and the government doesn't give a fuck. Harper can barely shrug about it, he cares so little.
Canada is fucking AWFUL to Natives. I swear, peopel harp on the States for being racist but jesus fucking christ, it's atrocious up here.
As Canadians, they should be especially aware of Canada's atrocious past—and present— relationship with the Aboriginal peoples
"So man that really sucks for you bro"
Dammit. I never got these offers on PoF. There's definitely been a couple of times over the last 10 years where I'd have considered it.
The receptionist of a company I used to work for once beckoned me over to her desk and, in a low steady voice said "I know when people poop. I know when you poop. You haven't pooped today."